A little while later Wanda jumped up, "ooo Pietro remember when y/n used to chase you around the house but you were always too slow so you ended up hiding on the fire escape until she figured out you weren't in the house anymore!"
The room went silent, she felt your eyes watering. Not being able to remember all the memories from her childhood was starting to take a toll on her.
She felt a tear slowly trail down her cheek, "hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."She left abruptly, quickly racing to the stairs so she wouldn't have to wait for the elevator. She wanted to be out of sight, so they wouldn't see her cry.
She started to run up the stairs, finally making it to the third level, and into her room.
The windows had light blocking blinds on them, Tony installed them for privacy since they were always receiving death threats.
She walked in and turned on the light, her back to her room. She leaned her head against the door, still holding the handle. As she started to silently cry, she heard a noise, coming from the part of the room she had her back turned to.
She lifted her head, still not turning. Grabbing the knife from her pocket she always carried, and bringing it to the front of her.
"Are you ok?"
She instantly tensed knowing that voice, James.
She turned around, seeing him sitting on the edge of her bed, his head looking into at ground."What the hell do you want?"
She holstered her knife, walking over to him."I want to explain."
That was something she'd never gotten her whole life, An explanation. No one ever told her anything.
"Ok, explain then."
She stayed still, not moving an inch.He looked up at her, still not making eye contact, it was too hard for him to tell the truth, and wondering how she'd react.
"Around 8 years ago. You, Wanda and Pietro were all taken by hydra. Your parents had died as far as anyone had known so they decided to experiment on you guys." You felt your nails dig into your skin as he talked. "After a while wanda and Pietro developed powers, you however, it um, it never worked on you. So they went with a different approach." At this point hot tears streamed down your cheeks, James still avoiding eye contact.
"One day we got a security breach. You were being kept in a different wing than them two. So when they couldn't find you, they took they're chance and escaped. After that they wiped you, which worked for a while before you started to remember, so they kept doing it. Over and over almost every week. They could never get your powers to work, so they put you in the red room. Where I trained you and you learned everything. After age 11 the mind wiping eventually took, and they didn't have to do it anymore."
You held a hand up to your face, trying not to break down. You weren't silently crying anymore, full on wails from your sobs filled the room.
"H-how do you know all of this?!" You asked him, as he brung himself to finally look you in the eye.
"Because I was there. I haven't been wiped in years. I was there y/n, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't try to stop it. I'm sorry every time they hurt you and every time I had to."
You dropped on the bed next to him, burying your hands in your face.
"I forgive you."
You whispered, not even loud enough to hear yourself."What?" James muttered, trying to understand you.
"I said I forgive you! Look I know I've had a shitty life, but you were somehow always there, even if you lied to me."
You turned to look him in the eye, seeing a slight smile form on his face. You scooted closer, hugging him, his body tensed, but he hugged you back, his metal arm wrapping around your shoulder.
"I'm sorry y/n, I'm so sorry. I should've protected you." He rested his head on yours.
"It's alright, you couldn't do anything James."
You lifted your head to look at him, giving him a small smile.
"Bucky, apparently my name is Bucky. I'm starting to remember things."
You stood up, laying your hand on his shoulder.
"Hmm, Bucky. It suits you."

Steve rogers x y/n
FanfictionFrom the time she can remember she was trained, beaten, and worked to the breaking point. But when an unknown group saves her and the winter soldier, will she find her family? Will she find a home? And most importantly, will she find love? [COMPLETE...