My eyes slowly opened to see a bright light above me, again. I could hear the chatter of people talking around me.
I turned my head to see the blonde man I was sent to kill, Steve, standing by my bed.
"Where the hell am I?" I whispered, only getting the attention of him.He rushed to my side, as I sat up.
"Hey take it easy, don't overwork yourself."
I scoffed, pulling the IV from my arm, as I stood up.
I swayed slightly, grabbing onto his arms for support.
"My whole life hasn't been exactly the definition of easy." I replied. I saw the familiar brunette man, or metal arm man, as I liked to call him. I also saw the strawberry blonde woman, standing next to the man with white hair.
"Where the hell did you take me?!" I demanded as I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt.
He raised his hands in defense as the other rushed to the side of the room we were on.
"Y/n take it easy." The woman said, her accent thick."My name is NOT y/n, I don't know you people! AND I need to get back before they've realized I'm still alive!!" They stepped back slightly as I shouted.
I released the grip on Steve's shirt, making my way to my shoes and suit in the corner of the room.
"Look y—, 143. We need you to believe us. Just let us somewhat explain please." The blonde man tried to convince me.I stood staring into space, my suit and boots huddled in my arms. I contemplated it. We're these people telling me the truth? Or was it just another test of my loyalty to hydra? Or were they going to kill me after acquiring information.
I thought about it a few moments longer before answering."Fine. You have 15 minutes to tell me everything or I'm leaving." I threw my clothing down on the ground as I hopped up onto the bed. They all three pulled up chairs, the blonde man sitting on the bed beside me.
The woman started first," your name is y/n y/l/n.
You are our sister. When we were children hydra kidnapped all of us. You were the only one they couldn't break. The powers adapted to you but it took a long time. After they brainwashed you, you were put into the red room program, where you worked until we found you two years ago."
She handed me an old polaroid photo. It was her, the man next to her, and me. We were huddled around a car with an older man and woman, maybe parents.I could feel something in the back of my mind as she explained, something that told me she was telling the truth. My grip on the picture tightened, feeling like it was real.
The man with the white hair started after her.
"Two years ago we brought you home, the avengers compound. Where you met all of us, including some others. But only a few weeks after, hydra took you and Bucky back." He said gesturing to the metal armed man.I brought my attention to him as he spoke.
"They activated the winter soldier in me. That made me follow their orders and take you back to Russia with me. A lot happened and basically I was able to escape but I couldn't find you when I went back."
I could tell he blamed himself for not rescuing me.The blonde man spoke next,"we looked for a year after rescuing Bucky. We couldn't find anything it's like you disappeared of the face of the earth." He grasped my hand, the other wiping the tears off my cheek I hadn't noticed fall.
Then everything started to come back. The memories. The laughs. The emotions, all of my family.
I looked to the woman, "Wanda." Her eyes lit up.
I looked to the man beside her,"Pietro." He smiled.
I looked to the man sitting beside me."Steve." He squeezed my hand tighter, showing me his excitement.Then I looked to the metal armed man, and stood up. His gaze drifted down as he also stood.
"Buck." He still didn't look up. I pressed my index finger under his chin, bringing his eyes to me.
"You said you would come back for me."Tears started to flow down his cheeks," i know. I know and I'm so sorry doll."
I smiled knowing he didn't deserve the burden of my pain on him.
"I forgive you. Because no matter if you kept your promise or not, I remember." I smiled as the tears came down.
His lips curved up into a small smile. Before I could think he wrapped me in his arms, whispering in my ear,"I'm so glad your safe y/n. I promise I'm never leaving you like that again."I smiled as he released me from him.
I turned back around to Steve, walking over to stand between his legs as he sat on the bed.
"I've been wanting to do this for a long time."
Before he could answer I pressed our lips together. He stood in shock for a moment before kissing back. Our lips moved in sync as his arms wrapped around my waist, my hands moved to the back of his neck.I could hear the man I now knew as my brother groan in annoyance, my sister snickering.
We finally released, as our foreheads pressed against one another, our chests rising up and down trying to regain oxygen.He smiled at me,"so you remember?"
I practically grinned, moving my hand to the side of his face before I spoke,"I remember."

Steve rogers x y/n
FanfictionFrom the time she can remember she was trained, beaten, and worked to the breaking point. But when an unknown group saves her and the winter soldier, will she find her family? Will she find a home? And most importantly, will she find love? [COMPLETE...