Saving Shelby

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Jelsa's P.O.V.

I ran over the frozen Fjord, my snow swirled around me, whipping my hair from it's up due. JJ screamed inside my head, her laughter mixing in with Pitch's very terrifying chuckle. Black sand stung my eyes as it got swept up in the growing storm.

"Wh-What do you want?!" I yelled at Pitch. He smiled at me.

"I thought it was obvious. I want power." He said. I gritted my teeth.

"What do you want with Shelby? Why possess her?" I shouted.

"I want her power of healing, if I can control that, I don't have to worry about the people I end from coming back. See darling, it's simple thinking." He said. Then he waved his hand and the sand mixed with the snow fell to the ground. I saw two figures fighting through the snow and I saw the frying pan knocked from one's hands as it skidded towards me, I panicked. My snow all fell to the ground the moment I saw a possessed Shelby take Darren's sword and push him to the ground, pressing the sword to his throat. Laughter came from Shelby's form. I ran forward and screamed as she went to drive the blade through him. I tripped and sent ice in her direction. The I heard JJ's voice laugh.

"I win." She said.

-a few hours earlier-

I'd been trying to help Shelby, get the entity that was controling her out. I was exhausted from it, I'd been freezing her arms down constantly. Each time she broke the ice and if I didn't freeze them, she'd try to get out of the study and kept talking about her mission to kill Darren. It was really creepy. The entity wouldn't answer my questions, she'd simply smile and say that Pitch would soon have Arendelle as his own.

"Jelsa, please, get some rest. I'll watch her so you can get some rest." Rapunzel said. Her green eyes looked at her daughter, who's once matching green eyes were now an amber color, to match mine. I shook my head.

"No, I've got it." I said.

"Jelsa!" Aunt Anna yelled making us jump, even the enity possessing Shelby seemed startled. Aunt Anna stomped into the room.

"Jelsa, just because your mother is gone too, doesn't mean you can stop taking care of yourself. Now you march your butt to your room and get some sleep. Shelby's mother and I can handle watching her for the night." Aunt Anna yelled at me. I would have argued but I learned a long time ago, Aunt Anna isn't someone you can win an arguement with, that and I was practically falling asleep right in front of her so I couldn't use the excuse 'I'm not tired at all'. I nodded and stumbled my way into the hallway. I was halfway to my room when I tripped and fell flat on my face. I groaned and then decided the ground was a comfortable place to sleep. I woke up to Uncle Kristoff shaking me wildly.

"Jelsa wake up! Why are you asleep on the ground? Nevermind, we've got more important things to worry about. It's Darren, he snuck into the study and now Shelby's loose and we can't find either of them." Kristoff said and I sprang to my feet. I ran to the study to see Olaf and Eugene taking care of Aunt Anna and Rapunzel, both of whom had bruises that had likely come from frying pans. I heard a scream come from the window and rushed to see the frozen Fjord had two figures on the ice. I instantly made out Darren's dark, and rare appearance. Then Shelby and her long golden hair. I knew I would never make it in time. Then I heard a voice whisper in my ear, it sounded so much like Jack it took me a moment to remind myself that it wasn't him.

"Jump, I'll catch you, you'll make it in time Snowflake." The words resonanted in my ears. I didn't take the time to think, I lifted myself onto the window sill and jumped before anyone could stop me. The ground beneath me got closer and I began to think I'd just killed myself but then I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked up but saw nothing but air. I breathed in and caught the wintery smell of cinammin and snow. That's what Jack had always smelled like. I thought it must be his ghost or something. Then I could see the boy carrying me. He looked just like Jack, but had white/blue hair and blue, snowflake, iris eyes. I didn't utter a word, I just stared. My heart swelled. Was this really him? The boy I had lost? Then I heard a yell come from Pitch. And then I was knocked out of the boy's grasp, he was blown too far away to help. I tumbled onto the frozen Fjord and whimpered/screamed from the pain of the impact. By this time now my snow was blowing everywhere. I had black sand flying too.

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