First Day On Set

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A/N: I apologize for making everyone seem like D-Bags in the first chapter. They get better, I swear.


I'm so nervous, I thought. It was my first day on set. Was the cast going to like me? Was Ryan going to like me?

I have been a Glee fan before I even auditioned for the role of Blaine Anderson. I watched every episode as it came out live on my TV at home. My favorite characters are Kurt, Rachel and Finn.

I didn't know what to expect. I guess I expected the cast not to like me because I didn't think I was as talented as them.

Okay, I thought. I can do this. I thought this as I parked my car in the parking lot of Paramount Studios. I got out of my car, locking it behind me.


'Hey!' Lea said, walking up to me. 'Did you hear about the new guy?'

'Yeah.' I said. 'I can't wait to meet him! How about you?'

'Eh.. I don't know about him.. I like that Ryan is adding new characters but..' She paused. 'Never mind, I don't know what I was saying.' She looked down to the floor, guilty that she even thought what she was thinking.

As Darren walked in, Ryan went and greeted him. I took this as my cue to introduce myself.

I have already seen Darren in A Very Potter Musical, but I didn't know he was this attractive. I figured he was just more attractive in real life.

I walked up to Darren and Ryan introducing themselves. 

'Hi Darren! Nice to finally meet you!' Ryan said, smiling.

'Hey! I'm so happy to meet you too!' Darren said, his voice cracking.

I just stood there awkwardly, waiting to be noticed.

As soon as Darren's eyes hit mine, we locked eyes. I saw his beautiful hazel eyes, and my palms began sweating.

CHRIS, I thought, snapping myself back to reality. He's straight. You can't like him,.. Not like that, I thought.

I put out my hand in intention to shake Darren's.


I walked up to the gate and saw the sign "Crew members and staff only". I never thought I'd be able to go in here.

I opened the gate and slid through. I walked further into the set and saw Ryan. 

He noticed me and started walking towards me.

'Hey Darren! Nice to finally meet you!' He said.

It took me a second to say something. 'Hey! I'm so happy to meet you!' 

Crap. My voice cracked, I thought. Now I thought I was going to come off as that shy, lonely co-star.

Me and Ryan shook hands. Then I noticed someone next to him, obviously feeling very awkward.

I immediately locked eyes with him. I looked into his blue eyes. They looked like the ocean. I then noticed him look away and I realized.


Chris put out his hand, as if to shake mine. It took me a second to catch on, and I shook his hand.

'Chris, this is Darren. Darren, this is Chris.' Said Ryan.

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