Movin' Out

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As I wake up, I open my eyes. I forgot I slept at Chris' last night. I get up, and head to the kitchen. Chris must not be up yet. I check the time, it's 7:03 AM. I learned from calling Chris one morning that he sleeps in until 7:30 on work days. And he gets feisty if you disturb him.

I looked in the fridge. Hmmm.. I thought. I grabbed the bacon out of the freezer, along with some eggs out of the fridge. I grabbed a pan, being careful not to wake Chris up. I sprayed it with vegetable oil before heating it up. I grabbed another pan, and did the same.

Once the pans were heated, I started making the bacon and eggs. I started humming "Candles" by Hey Monday because I needed to practice it for work today.

I heard some shuffling from the wall beside me, that goes into Chris' room. I checked the time. 7:38 AM. He must be waking up.


As I wake up, I smell something. 'Bacon?' I whispered to myself. I got up, and shuffled out to the kitchen.

I was greeted by one happy Darren. He was humming.. 'Candles? By Hey Monday?' I said, walking up behind Darren.

'Mhmm!' I heard him say. I watched him flip the bacon and take the now cooked eggs off the pan onto two separate plates. I went to grab one but Darren's hand stopped mine.

'Not until the bacons done.' He said, with a smile, flipping the bacon once more, then dividing them equally between us.

'There you go!' he said, happily. I could tell he was tired but that didn't stop him from making me smile.

I smiled and took the plate from him. 'Thank you for making this.' Darren smiled and sat next to me. 'So,' I said, trying to make small conversation. 'we got our big day today.' I said and elbowed Darren playfully. He laughed.

'Now you won't have to be jealous every time I kiss someone else, because you would know how it felt!' He said, flirtatiously. 'Whatever!' I say, rolling my eyes to seem more dramatic. I'm nervous. What if I'm not a good kisser? I thought.

After breakfast, we both put our dishes in the sink. We agreed that we would take turns on washing dishes when he stayed over, and today was his day, which means I got the shower first. I got in and started my shower.


As we were talking about the kiss, I couldn't help but think.. What if I was a bad kisser? Would he not like it? Would he refuse to kiss me again? That would ruin any chances of us being together, if there were any anyways.

I heard Chris end his shower and I slid in right after him. He was in the bathroom as I showered which made me get butterflies. 'I'm gonna get out now, or you can hand me a towel and keep doing your hair.' I said, hoping the latter.

'Okay, hold your hand out.' He said, giving me a towel. I wrapped my lower waist in it securely and walked out of the shower. Chris was already dressed, in grey sweats and a V-Neck shirt. He was doing his signature curls in his hair. I slid by him, going into my room. I picked out some jeans and a t-shirt and put them on. I went back into the bathroom and started blow drying my hair.

'I wanted to thank you, for everything.' I said, making eye contact with Chris as I put down the blow dryer.

'No worries. It's my pleasure, honestly.' I started putting on blush, to hide my actual blush.

We smiled at each other and grabbed our things to go to work. I slid my vans on, and Chris slid his Nike slides on. 'So we're goin' socks with sandals now, aren't we?' I said, looking at Chris.

A Kiss To Miss - CrissColfer *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now