Lost And Found

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Plot: Darren and Chris go out for breakfast. Chris goes to the bathroom, but never comes back. He is being tortured by an unknown, soon to be known, person. Darren follows clues and finds Chris. He isn't harmed, but Darren knocked out the dude who was trying to hurt him.

A/N: This chapter is in third person narrative.


The Next Morning


Darren wakes up and has an idea. He wants to take Chris to a Café for breakfast to celebrate their engagement. He googles Cafe's in LA and decides on Fratelli Café. He decides to wait until Chris is up. He goes into the shower and showers while Chris is still sleeping. He gets out, gets dressed and walks out.

'Hey babe.' Darren says, 'I have a surprise for you!' He said, happily.

'What time is it?' Chris said, rubbing his eyes.

'8:27.' Darren said, climbing onto the bed. 'Tired?'

'Definitely.' Chris said, his voice tired.

'Well get ready, there's somewhere we need to be!' Darren said, watching Chris get up and go into the bathroom, probably to do his crazy moisturizing routine.

'I'm ready!' Chris said, 20 minutes later. He was wearing a yellow button up, with a grey scarf that had a pin in it. He was also wearing tan jeans, with a tan belt and black dress shoes. While Darren was wearing a light blue button up with a blue and red striped tie. Over that, he wore a tan blazer, tan pants and black dress shoes.

' I'll drive.' Darren said, grabbing his keys. Then he headed for the door, while Chris followed him.


When they arrive at the Café, their table was waiting for them. A waiter found them and showed them to their seats. The table was a window seat with an amazing view.

'Here are you Menu's, would you like any drinks?' The waiter asked, while handing the menu's

'Can we order them when we order our food?' Darren asked politely.

'Sure, let me know when you're ready to order.' The waiter said before heading over to another table.

'So want do you wanna eat?' Darren asked Chris , while he opening his menu.

'Everything looks so good!' Chris said, almost drooling.

'Ready to order?' the waiter said, almost in a pushy tone.

'Uh yeah, I'll have the Napoleon Crepe with.. a fruit bowl please.' Darren said.

'And for you Sir?' The waiter asked Chris.

'Uhm, I'll have the Buttermilk pancakes with Eggs.' Chris said, craving pancakes.

'How do you like your eggs?'

'Sunnyside up, please.'


'Coffee, I think it's really needed.' Darren said noticing Chris was still very tired.

'Alrighty then, your order will be ready shortly!' the waiter said, then she turned away and headed for the kitchen.

'I have to use the bathroom', Chris said, 'I'll be back shortly.'

'Okay! Don't keep me waiting for too long.' Darren said to Chris flirtatiously.

Chris walked into the bathroom, did his business, and right when he walked out of the stall, he got whisked away by a pair of black gloves. He tried to scream, but the hand was covering his mouth. Last thing he knew, everything went black.


It had been 20 minutes since Chris went to the bathroom. Darren walked into the bathroom incase Chris needed help or something.

'Chris?' Darren said, walking in, carefully. No answer. He checked the stalls but nobody was there. He panicked and asked the staff if they've seen Chris. All of them said no, so he called 911. They investigated the scene and checked cameras and seen Chris being dragged out by someone in all black wearing a mask.

Darren suddenly began to panic. He didn't know who it was. He figured it was someone who knew Chris. It had to be. No one else would know when they were going to Fratelli's. He had already called Chris a bunch of times, and he didn't answer. They, as in Darren and the police, watched cameras stationed throughout Los Angeles and found the car Chris was taken in.

Police did research and found out the kidnapper was.. Mia. Darren had told Chris that Mia hated him because she wanted Darren for herself and Chris was "in the way". Darren called Mia right away.

'Hey lover boy.' Mia said, flirtatiously. Darren rolled his eyes.

'I know you have Chris.'

'How did you find that out, Dee?' Mia said, Darren could basically feel her smirk.

'I have my lovely friends here, the police who are helping me. And I promise you, we're going to get Chris back.'

He signalled to the police to go inside. 'Now I wouldn't think you'd get him that easily.' Mia explained.

'Really? You'd have to rethink that.' Darren said, as the police broke down Mia's door.

'Darren what did you do? Fuck you!' Then Darren heard the phone drop and the police arrest her. Darren ran inside.

'You are being arrested for kidnapping Mr. Colfer, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in court.' The police said, as they walked Mia outside. I ran to Chris and undid all of the ties on his wrists and ankles.

'Thank you.' Chris said, hugging Darren. 'Anytime.' Darren said, hugging Chris back. They went home and ordered take out. 'Are you okay?' Darren asked Chris, worried.

'I'm fine Darren, really.' Chris said, grabbing Darrens hand. 'I think I'm ready to go to work tomorrow again. I mean, I really am in most of the scenes, aren't I?' Chris said, winking.

'Yes, yes you are.' Darren said, smiling.

They went the next day to shoot and everyone hugged Chris and was so happy he was okay. They shot their scenes for the day, and went home.

'I love you so much.' Darren said, kissing Chris.

'I love you too,' Chris said smiling. 'now let's plan our wedding!'

------ STATS ------

Word Count: 946

Time to make: Day and a half

Short summary of next chapter:

As far as wedding planning goes, Darren and Chris have no idea what to do. They brainstorm themes, songs, seat placements, etc. They set the date and invite all the guests. However, Chris has gotten into some trouble recently with his sister. Tragedy strikes, resulting in the cancellation of the wedding.

**A/N: I'm having writer's block please give me ideas! I have an overall summary for the next chapters but I need ideas on other events! also @Clarke3131 helped me write this :)

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