Blame It On The Alcohol

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A/N: This whole chapter is in Chris' POV. Next chapter I'm going to try 3rd person and see how I like it. Enjoy!


I wake up and feel weight on top of me. I look down towards my chest, and Darren's on me. Naked. Panic runs through my body and I gasp.

I shake Darren awake. He looks down, jumps off of me and pulls a throw blanket off the chair at my desk and covers himself up. He looks away, panicked.

'Chris.' He said, 'What?' I said, confused. 'You're naked too!' I looked down. 'Oh shit-.' I said, covering myself up in the blanket. 'Grab me some sweats from my closet, please.' I asked Darren, and he did what I asked.

He looked away and I put sweats on. I went into my closet and threw him a pair of sweats that would fit him better. I put a shirt on as he got dressed. 'Let's wake up everyone else.' I said, walking out and heard him following me. We walked into Darren's room and woke up Lea and Cory.

We all walked downstairs and woke up Chord and Amber. Chord woke up with a headache, so Lea went upstairs and brought down two aspirin and a glass of water. 'Thanks.' he said, getting up. We all went upstairs and agreed on going out to eat for brunch.

'You know what?' I said, grinning. Everyone looked at me. 'We should rent a limo.' Everyone looked at each other, grinning. 'Yes!' Lea shouted.

I booked and payed for a limo to pick us up in an hour. Lea had a dress in her bag that she got dressed in. Amber had one too. Me, Darren, Chord and Cory all got dressed in 4 of the many suits me and Darren had. It looked like we were going to a wedding.

When I got a text that the limo was outside, we all grabbed our bags and got into the limo. Darren insisted we go to an Italian restaurant. 'Can you bring us to Maggiano's Little Italy please? In LA.' He asked the limo driver, and he nodded.

We all had fun and talked about funny things that the other cast members have done. I told everyone about the time Darren was cooking pancakes and he tried to flip it by throwing the pan up, but still holding it and how the pancake flew to the wall. We all laughed at that.

Once we got to the restaurant we all got out and I told the driver I would text 15 minutes before I needed him. We got our bags and went inside. 'Table for 6, under Criss.' Darren told the waiter. She smiled and brought us to our table. We all sat down and looked at our menus.

'Wow. I expected this place to be more expensive.' I said, surprised at the prices. 'What shall we order?' Chord said, grinning. 'I'll get the Mozzarella Marinara.' I said, closing my menu. 'I'll get the same!' Amber said, smiling. 'I'm going to get the caesar salad with the meatball sandwich please.' Darren said, looking at the waiter.

'I'll get spaghetti and meatballs.' Cory said. 'I'll get the fettuccine alfredo.' Chord said, looking at the waiter. 'I guess I'll get the same.' Lea said, shrugging her shoulders. Darren grabbed everyone's menus, stacked them, and gave the waiter the stack. 'Any beverages?' She asked, looking at all of us. I got a diet coke, and Darren got a bottle of wine, showing his ID.

'The drinks will be here in a couple minutes. The food will be ready in about 30 minutes.' The waiter said, and walked away. We all started talking about anything and everything. We ate our food, and got the check. When we got the check, I texted the limo driver saying we were done.

The total was $116.33, so we decided to split it equally. We all payed 20 dollars and Darren left a 15 dollar tip. Once I got the text that the limo was outside, we walked out and got in. We all went back to Darren and I's house, and everyone got out, hugged each other and left in their own cars. I payed the limo driver and me and Darren went inside, cleaning everything up.

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