Golden Globes

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'Christopher Paul Colfer' Darren said, smiling.

'Will you be my boyfriend?'

'Yes!' I said, taking the rose, and kissing Darren.

Everyone cheered and hugged us. Then, everyone ate the cupcakes and I stole the '?' one from Darren.

'So, are you guys going to go public?' Lea asked, excitedly. Me and Darren looked at each other. Darren then said, 'Chris' choice.' Everyone looked at me. I thought about it for a minute. 'Yes.' I said. 'Okay everyone pose in for a picture!' We all sat on the couch and held the streamer that said 'CrissColfer is real!' and me and Darren kissing in front.

We posted it on Twitter, and everyone gave us support and love.


It was a couple days before Golden Globes and I decided to get Darren a gift. He always talked about how he wanted a motorcycle, so I decided to give him one. He hugged me and thanked me, and then drove off to go try it out. But he never came home that night.

I checked everywhere, the Hollywood sign, Paramount, everyone's houses, and he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Ryan called off shooting the next day and the whole cast drove around Los Angeles and looked for him. Then, I saw him.

I stopped the car and basically jumped out of my car. I ran over to him and checked his pulse. Nothing. I pulled out my phone and called 911. Then, I called the rest of the cast and told them to come where I was. Everyone came about the time that the ambulance got there.

We all met at the hospital and I paced the whole time, waiting for the doctor.

'Mr. Colfer?' the doctor said. 'Dr. Brown.' the doctor said, shaking my hand. 'You're at the top of Mr. Criss' emergency contacts, so you get information first.' I nodded. 'He's stable, but he's not awake yet. He suffered a concussion, a few broken bones and some cuts. He'll be fine.' he said, smiling.

'Thank you.' I said. 'When can I see him?' I said, desperate to see him. 'You can see him now. He's in room 32.' I nodded and started speed walking to his room. I walked in and sat on the chair. 'Hey, Darren. I know you can't hear me right now but the Golden Globes are in four days.' I said, holding his hand. 'I don't even know if I'm going to go, I mean, it won't be the same without you. And if I win you won't be there to congratulate me.

I called Ryan. He said that I don't have to come in for any scenes, and we'll do mine when Darren wakes up. I spent the next three days in Darren's hospital room, holding his hand and talking to him. The day before Golden Globes, I woke up by Darren saying my name.

I got up and basically ran to Darren's bed. 'Oh my God! Nurse Shayne!' I yelled, crying tears of joy. Once everything was checked, Darren started talking to me. 'Chris, I heard everything. I know I can't go but you need to go to Golden Globes! If you win it'll be so good for your career. Please, go, I'll watch it on TV.' He smiled. He really wanted me to go.

'Fine, I'll go.' I said, smiling sadly. 'I'll leave today. Will you be okay here? I have to stay in a hotel with everyone from the cast.' 'Yeah, I'll be fine.'

'Your curly hair is showing.' I said, making fun of him. He chuckled, and we talked for 2 more hours. When I looked at the clock, it was 7:26 PM. 'I'm gonna go.' I got up, kissed Darren and grabbed my bags. 'It starts at 5:30 tomorrow. Be sure to watch it.' I said, walking out.

I went to the Beverly Wilshire hotel and checked in. I brought my suitcase upstairs and unpacked my suit and hung it up. I took a shower, texted times for the cast to meet, and went to bed.


I woke up to a text from Darren.

Darren: Hey! Good luck at the Golden Globes, I wish I could be there. xo, D :)

Chris: Thank you. I wish you could be too. xo, C

After talking to Darren, I got up, showered, did my hair and got dressed in my suit. I grabbed my bag and went to the building where the event was being held.

I met Lea, Amber, Dianna, Ashley, Kevin, Naya and Heather. We walked inside, checked in and sat down at a table. I was one of the nominee's for An Actor In A Supporting Role for Kurt in Glee.

'And the Golden Globe goes to... Chris Colfer, Glee.' My heart stopped. I just won a Golden Globe. Holy shit. I stood up and hugged everyone, and then walked up on stage. 'First of all, I want to dedicate this award to my boyfriend, who is currently in the hospital. He suffered a motorcycle accident, and is watching me live right now...' I finished my speech but then right as I was about to walk off, Darren walked out.

He had a microphone. He walked towards me and hugged me. 'I knew you would win.' he whispered in my ear. As he pulled away he said, 'So, I know this isn't common and I had to basically beg the host to let me up here but..' He said. I was looking at him, and he looked at me, making eye contact. Everyone laughed at his comment. I smiled.

'Chris. You have been there for me through the last what, 6 months I've known you.' He said, grabbing my hand. I was so confused.

'First of all, you let me borrow your shower after I got locked out of my trailer.' I remember that. Everyone chuckled at his story. 'Then, you let me move in with you after I got kicked out for being gay. And then, you brought me to the Hollywood sign for the first time. And finally, you found me when I was in that motorcycle accident. And if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here right here, right now.'

Everyone aw'd at our journey together. I smiled. 'Chris, you mean so much to me. Which is why, I believe that we deserve to be with each other. Forever.' He said, bending down on one knee. 'OH MY GOD.' I heard Lea scream. The screen panned to all of my co-stars, all with hands on their mouths, or smiling.

Darren pulled out a small box and opened it. It was a beautiful ring. 'Chris, will you marry me?' Everyone looked at us, waiting for my answer.

'Yes! Yes, of course.' I said, my heart basically jumping out of my chest.

He kissed me and then replaced the promise ring he got me with our engagement ring. Everyone cheered and me and him walked off stage. Everyone hugged us and me, Darren and Harry took a picture and Darren posted it on twitter.

 Everyone hugged us and me, Darren and Harry took a picture and Darren posted it on twitter

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We went back to the hotel room and got ready for bed. We put our promise rings into a special box, to save for later or put into a book or something and went to bed.

'Goodnight Chris!' Darren said, kissing me.

'Goodnight Darren.'

----- STATS -----

Word count: 1242

Time to make: A day and a half

Short summary of next chapter:

Chris and Darren go out for breakfast to celebrate their engagement, however tragedy strikes and Darren needs to find Chris. Mia appears in the next chapter.


Apology beforehand, Mia is a bit psychotic in the next chapter.. Sorry Mia!

A Kiss To Miss - CrissColfer *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now