Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Renesmee’s POV

Age 4 Human Years (12 years old looks and acts)

My eyes twinkled open, to the shining from my skin. Jacob lay next to me, his heart thudding against the snow outside as the little droplets hit the crisp blanket of snow. Sliding out from the covers I stepped outside my door, knocking on my Bella and Edward’s door. “Mom?” I gently pushed the door open peering my head inside.

My eyes searched through the room yet it was empty and suddenly I was worried. “Dad?” Stepping back, I skipped down the hall in an instant, realizing Jacob wasn’t in my room anymore. Startled my hand reached for the door as I slowly backed out of the hall. Our cottage was so silent, so quaint and loud as the silence built up inside me driving me to insanity. The kitchen was empty, not an object out of place, just like the living room where the fireplace blew clear waves of air throughout the house.

Reaching for the door knob, I pushed it open as gently as I could but the horror had made a tower inside my heart stacking up ready to pounce and scare me to death. Nothing like this had ever happened before not in our house or even the other one.

A breeze of cold air stung my face awakening me even more as if that was possible now. The air was brisk and the snow still fell leaving a cover over the ground that made me smile inside; I loved the snow. Reaching my hand out, the snow fell harder and harder covering my senses, but I turned my sight on clearer distinguishing what was what through the curtain of snow.

I began spinning under the waves of crystals which brushed through my hair and skin illuminating me like the world had just sent little kisses after me. Something then caught my attention from the bushes though; something sharp set off my instincts making me stop. Frozen like the ice against our cottage, I remained where I was keeping myself open to what was around me.

Nothing. Maybe it was the wind; maybe I was just imagining things. So instead, I let the fear carry me away, sprinting to the house. The swiftness of my feet questioned gravity itself as I continue making a mad dash for the main house. My senses sparkled through and in the white I saw red, a pair of red dots which turned black and disappeared. I pushed harder through the snow as the pair of dots swarmed my memory and haunted my mind. “JAKE?”

My voice was the highest I have ever heard it, not a beautiful bell like my mom’s but a piercing howl from a harmed animal. Seeing the house just up ahead through the colonies of snow, I screamed Jake’s name one last time until I grabbed the door and ripped it off its hinges.

It was silent; empty just as the other house until someone’s hands grasped around me and smiled their name through their teeth.

“Nessie! Happy birthday sweetie!” The voice wasn’t one that harmed me, but made me smile, one that made me feel safe. Twisting from his arms I turned around hugging Jacob trying to see how tall I could reach on my tip toes now that I was thirteen.

Jake laughed, knowing I couldn’t reach his height and pulled me up into his arms. “You scared me,” I giggled, hiding my face in his arm.

“Sorry, it wasn’t my idea, Nessie.” Jacob sounded sincerely sorry and his voice hurt me making me feel bad, but he picked himself back up and twirled me in the air throwing me across the room to Aunt Rosalie’s arms.

“Hey, baby happy birthday.” She rubbed her nose against mine and I embraced her in a hug.

“Thank you Rose its perfect.” I looked up spotting the radiant decorations set up inside the house. My favorite colors gold and red shone across the room. Beautiful glass chandeliers and glistening balloons twirled through the air and it wasn’t one of those cheesy decorations it was really extravagant, a diamond in the ruff in my eyes. “Oh, Alice helped with all that too,” Rose gleamed as I whipped across the room clutching Alice.

“It’s amazing.” My smile spread across from my ear to ear and my thoughts were sorted once they got jumbled.

“Happy birthday my little teen,” Emmett and Japer shouted from across the room. Jasper threw a baseball right at my head and I didn’t hesitate to catch it giggling nonstop.

Carlisle and Esme flew over and pulled me into their arms just as my mom and dad appeared in the room. My mother shone little the prettiest star and my dad held her close opening their arms out for me. We all grabbed each other and I held my hand up to my mom’s plush cheek showing her how worried I was.

“Aw Nessie I will never let anyone hurt you.”

She clutched my back, embracing my hair and kissing my forehead and I knew she would keep her promise she always has and always will.

Everlasting: A Renesmee and Jacob Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now