Chapter 49

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"Jeff?" Olivia stared up at him awaiting his reply

"Uh, I'm sorry Olive what did you say?" Jeff bit his bright red lip awkwardly

"Meet my mum?" She looked up at him innocently as he stared down at her, a crease in his face with concern

"I don't think that's a good being a killer and all, on the top wanted list for killing multiple of people?" Her face dropped increasingly in disappointment, she frowned.

"She needs to know who my boyfriend is though..." she muttered

"Does she?" he murmered

Olivia punched his shoulder playfully, trying not to smile

"Yes Jeff" Olivia, Smile and Jeff approached her door, she grinned breathing in the scent of pine and wood, she unlocked the door with a click, pushing it open.

A figure sat on the sofa as froze, the figure stood up walking towards her. mum.

"Olive! where the hell have you been?!" She wrapped her arms around Olive, holding her tightly

"oh I've missed you mum so much! I'm sorry I was away for a while..." she wasn't completely lying? I mean she was away. Just at a manshion full of psychopaths...But she decided her mum didn't need to know.

Jeff and Smile hid by the side of the house clearly startled by her mum.

"Mum I want you to meet someone...he's really important to me"

her mum's face dulled

"But Brandon?"

"Brandon...he's..." Olivia trailed off

"he's..?" Her mum questioned

"uh he broke up with me, well cheated I guess" She stared at the floor, imagining his dead corpse rotting in a ditch, his blonde hair dull and lifeless, his skin grey and cut open like Jess's. The guilt stung her...

"ahem" Jeff coughed, knocking on the door innocently, before her mum could peek around the door to get a glance at him, Olive grabbed on to her mum's shoulders

"he was in an accident, don't stare, he has some facial issues" she stared sternly at her mum

"I won't judge Olive, I've seen accidents and burns before being an ex nurse you know?" Her mum backed out of the door way sitting on the sofa as Jeff reluctantly trailed in behind Olivia.

"You." Her mum's voice dropped low, deadly cold, she stood up defensively

"MUM! he's okay now I promise!"

"He was the reason you was in hospital Olive!"

"And so was Brandon! Mum Brandon tried to kill me..." it blurted out and Olivia stared at the floor broken and guilty

"What?" Her mum questioned angrily

"Jeff saved me...from Brandon" she interlocked her fingers with Jeff's for comfort, he nudged her shoulder comforting

"did you?" Her mum narrowed her eyes at Jeff, he tugged his hoodie down nodding quietly

"I'd never hurt her again, or let anyone hurt her" He spoke clearly

Her mum sighed, flopping on to the sofa, Jeff sat on the opposite to her, whilst Olive decided to make some tea.

"Where's Brandon now?"

"i dealt with it" Jeff flicked his hair slightly

"Dealt with meaning...he's gone? Shouldn't his family at least know?!." her mum's displeased voice only rose louder and louder

"Olivia's mum, he went on a rampage, not only trying to kill Olive, but me and other people in his way"

"Then your both no different." her mum spat those words out angrily

"I'm different, I love Olivia..."

Her mum was about to reach for her phone to dial 999 for police, it was hidden in her bag, nobody would notice and they'd take him away and lock him up for good. But...something changed her mind, A killer had openly admitted he loved her own daughter, what could she do? Run to the police? But what would Olive think? she'd never trust her again. But her mum was certain as hell not to trust Jeff, just...If Olive was happy. She had to deal with it...If only her dad was here.

"Jeff..." Her mum quietened down staring at him, his eyes never blinking

"Yes?" he answered

"I don't want her in any harms way..."

"I'm right over here you know" Olivia shouted from the kitchen, gathering the mugs together before bringing them to the small table in front of the both of them

"She won't be, I promise" he murmered

"Good and i-" the phone buzzed in her phone, she unlocked it answering the call

"Hi manager, wait- what? You need me ba- why? Ugh. I'll be over in an hour- okay- bye." her mum huffed loudly

"everything okay?" Olive narrowed her eyes intrigued

"They need me back now, apparently it's urgent, I'd feel better if you left Jeff" Olivia's mum stood up grabbing her keys and jacket and bag

"For the night right?? Not forever??" his eyes widened, panicking at her words.

"for the night Jeff." her mum spoke clearly, shoving a folder into her bag, kissing Olives head

"Call me later, we need to talk..." Olives stomach dropped, great, that meant 'we'll talk when Jeff has left the room and we can talk about how your wasting your life with a him' That talk. Olivia was dreading it.

Her mum walked out of the door before a loud, piercing, scream was heard outside, Jeff and olive jumped up running and flinging the door open with a thud, Smile was stood metres away from Olives mum, smiling slightly

"Uh jeff?" He grumbled loudly, looking between the humans.

"IM GOING, TAKE THAT THING AND LEAVE!" her mum shouted scared as she scrambled into the car without hesitation. This was so much for her to take in, Olivia thought with a sigh as her mum pulled out of the drive, Jeff kissed the top of her head grinning

"That went well" he chuckled

"well?? She hates you..." Olive murmered

"hates such a strong word, how about really dislikes me" he continued chuckling

"Do you really have to go?" she whined looking up at him

"Yes Olive, Slender needs me" he sighed pulling up his hood as a guy jogged up the hill into the woods

"Okay..." She frowned, before he leaned down kissing her lips gently. She smiled against his lips.

"did you mean what you said?" she broke the kiss breathing softly

"Every word" he kissed her forehead before nodding to smile dog, they both began walking back into the woods, through the trees, into the tunnel and back to Slendermans manshion.

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now