Chapter 10

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Olivia layed perfectly still, as if she would greet death with open arms, he raised his knife about to plunge it into her chest when she quickly rolled them over, causing his knife to be thrown a few feet away.

He leaned up but Olivia headbutted him, she pinned him down by his wrists concentrating on keeping him. there. He wriggled kicked and fitted all he wanted, but she had the upper hand, yet he smiled.

That same devilish smile he had from earlier, she cowered a little at the pain from her belly

"I know your weak. Most of you humans are." He spoke clearly through gritted teeth, saying the word humans as if it was something dirty or an abomination which needed wiping out.

"In case you haven't noticed your human too!" Olivia retaliated, she was frightened but wasn't going to let it show to this homocidal freak.

"I'm not like you, I never have been and never will." He grinned and that's when she saw something so evil and broken inside him, that it made her feel...sorry...For him?

She rolled off of him, crawling to the knife quickly for defense before a hand gripped at her ankle dragging her back, she clawed the ground scared, she needed the knife or else he would kill her.

"Let go dammit!" She hissed kicking and thrashing her foot around

"just...go to sleep Olivia" he smiled as he pinned her down, strangling her, until the blood had rushed to her head and eyeballs, red covered the white of her eyes, her face red then blue, until something yanked him off.

A heavy weight was lifted from her body and neck.

She was loosing consciousness as she gasped for air, she moved her head, watching two male figures wrestle each other, punches were thrown and before she could do anything, everything went black.

"Olive don't go to sleep! Stay with me!" She recognised that voice. It was Brandon.

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now