Chapter 24

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Gasping scared Olivia woke up in a clean white bed, surrounded by 4 white walls, wires plugged into her arms and as she tried to move a sharp pain stung beneath her chest, it made her cringe as a nurse pushed her gently back into her bed

"Don't get up! you are still recovering and must not move! doctors orders"

she said sternly,  clearly a women Olivia shouldn't mess with.

Frantically Olivia looked at the nurse with confusion and pain

"Where am I? How did I get her? who the hell are you?!" She shouted trying to shuffle in her bed away from the nurse

"you're in hospital...I'm a nurse here and you may feel a little confused for the time being, do you remember what happened Olivia?" she detected some sympathy in the nurses voice, but hardly recognisable.

"No, But I need to get out of here!" Olivia scrambled out of bed ripping the wires from her arms, stumbling towards the door before she fell with a thud, a crack was heard and she screamed in utter pain. Doctors rushed in hurriedly

"Doctor! we need to sedate her! She might have re- broken her rib"

Olivia saw the needle, the liquid, the doctors and nurses surrounding her...and...a black figure in the background glaring at her with hollow, dead eyes, smirking at the helplessness of her limp body. But soon her vision was taken from her as her eyes calmly drifted shut and she was asleep again.

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now