24 hours remaining

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I'm trapped behind a wall of glass
On display for everyone to see
My flaws are here, just like open wounds
To be picked at for sadistic needs

The glass is beneath my feet
Crushed into fine powder
I am free in the darkness
The madness inside you

How does it feel behind the glass
Exposed to the laughter
And the ghosts of the past?
The devil in your head
Speaking and getting stronger
Breaking down your will
Until you can't stand it any longer...

Jeff never moved an inch from the sofa since his attack from Slender, whilst Olivia had woken up, her body had gotten worse. Her eyes were bleak and looked almost hollow, the bags under her eyes black, her skin as pale as snow, as she endured the pain for every hour of the day that Jane was taking over her.

Sally held Olivia's hand softly, as Toby entered Jeff's room where the two were sitting. He knocked softly

"Come in" Sally answered as Toby stuck his head round the door before walking in closing the door, staring at Olivia long and hard, she looked up smiling weakly

"Your unrecognisable Olive..." he moved forward, sitting on the corner of the bed. Barely able to stop staring at her

"You wouldn't be the first person to mention that" Olive chuckled lightly before looking at Toby
"I'm not angry with you...you know that right?"

"Y-y-you have ever right to be" he quickly whipped his gaze to the floor, clearly keeping in his anger at himself

"No...I understand why you couldn't kill her..." she held his hand gently, ducking her head to look into his eyes

"It's fine Toby..."

"It's not! I did this!" He sighed, frowning

"I'll get through this, Jane won't win. I'd rather die then let her get her way." Olive sternly spoke

"If I'd killed her, you wouldn't have to bare this, n-non of us knew the consequences...just that we weren't aloud to k-kill one another..." he shrugged apologetically, before pinching the bridge of his nose angrily

"Toby- Stop okay? I've already had this talk with E.J and Ben, not you too...I'll be fine. Slender man is preparing the ritual, if we're lucky it will be ready by tonight" she braved a smile, squeezing onto his hand

"Will you make it till then?" He asked, Olivia and Sally remained silent, the awkward quietness spoke for it self, Olivia could only shrug for non of them knew how long she could keep her sanity.

"What about the apartment?" Toby asked curiously

"I don't know, I left most of my clothes there and some food and just overnight things...I locked it, I think" she trailed off thinking

"W-why don't we go back then? Right now? Then w-we can visit your mum?" He tilted his head waiting for her reply

"That sounds great Toby, Sally would you like to come along? We can take you to the park if you wanted?" Sally shook her head, distressed

"I don't feel like going to the park, and your not well!" She looked up at Olivia, Sally's green eyes watery and glassy, close to crying

"hey now- no tears sweetie, I don't mind and it will cheer you up..." she smiled nudging Sally

"If your up to it..." Olivia nodded, as they all got ready to go, leaving before they could give it a second thought.

Toby took Hoodies jeep, knowing that hoodie and masky were out, helping out slender with errands as usual so he knew it would be fine. Olive wasn't as bouncy as usual, in honesty she slugged around more than anything. But finally the three of them made it to the apartment, Olive gathered some things as Toby took her bag shoving it over his shoulder

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now