Chapter 17 Jeff

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Kill her
Do it now.
Rid her from this world
You'll be doing her a favour Jeffrey the killer
Kill her!

The voice's pounded in his head, so loud he couldn't controll them or himself anymore, he jumped at her, she was like a frightened lamb, so fragile that he could take her life away so easily.

and he was so close.

but he let her go...

showed the only victim he'd wanted to kill so bad mercy.

He unscrambled her hair from his fist, releasing the blade from her neck as he opened the window and took off before even she could say anything to object, he couldn't bare to look at the broken girl any longer. He couldn't kill her. The only person he couldn't kill...

I think it's time...For you to go to sleep. (Jeff the killer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now