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"Stop being a pussy and go dance with her."

"I don't dance."

"You should dance. It's better than sitting here all night like some creepy ass peeping Tom."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You don't?" Mark asked. "You don't know that you've been staring at that hot chick since the moment she walked into the bar?"

Derek sighed as he chose not to answer his best friend. He wasn't staring at her, he didn't stare at girls. That was creepy. He was just watching her. And maybe he had been watching her since the moment she had arrived and he had felt her eyes on him, but he wasn't staring. It wasn't his fault she was beautiful in a completely captivating way. He wasn't actually sure he could take his eyes off of her if he tried.

"If you're going to sit there and be a mute pussy, I'm going to do something," Mark sighed.


"Relax, Shep, I'm not stealing your girl," Mark rolled his eyes. "I'm going to go dance with her friend. It's just a shame there's two of them. If only I had a friend who could distract the friend..."

"That's just playing dirty, Sloan."

"Shep, by now you should know dirty is the only way I play," Mark laughed before turning to walk away, leaving Derek alone to curse about the deal they had struck years ago in college, the one that included them always being each other's wing man regardless of how ugly the other chick was.

They hadn't actually discussed anything about the other chick being hotter than the one that was the goal.

Of course Derek Shepherd didn't usually have a problem approaching a beautiful woman.

There was just something about this one.

"Hey ladies," Mark smirked as he approached the two women who were dancing together. "Mind if we join you?"

"Mark Sloan, you're Mark Sloan," the other girl grinned widely, looking at Mark in a way Derek was far too familiar with.

Great, puck bunnies.

"I am," Mark's smirk deepened. "And this is my good friend Derek Shepherd. You may have heard of him."

Derek was pretty sure the girl who he still couldn't get his eyes off of groaned as her friend answered a very enthusiastic yes, they could in fact join them.

Mark moved to dance with the other girl leaving Derek awkwardly standing beside her, the girl who was probably actually more beautiful close up than he had been from a distance. He didn't dance. He never actually danced. He let Mark drag him to bars, he'd talk to girls who weren't dancing but he usually avoided dancing at all costs. He wasn't even sure he knew how to dance.

"You look lost," the girl with the captivating beauty suddenly giggled.

"I don't dance," Derek found himself admitting, smiling at the soft sound that had emitted from her, the tiny giggle.

"You came to a dance club and you don't dance?"

"Something like that."

"Weird," she giggled again, suddenly grabbing his hand. "Come on, blue eyes, you can buy me a drink."

"Blue eyes?"

"That's the colour of your eyes, isn't it?" she shrugged, dragging him toward the bar and ordering herself a drink. "Do you want something?"

"Since I'm buying, I'll have a scotch," Derek laughed softly, handing the bartender some money.

"I'm not going to sleep with you," the girl stated firmly as the bartender handed them their drinks and walked away.

"Did I ask you to sleep with me?" he frowned slightly.

"You...I'm not going to sleep with you."

"What even makes you think I want to sleep with you?" Derek asked, laughing softly.

"It's in your eyes, blue eyes," she nodded, looking at him carefully as she pointed a finger towards him. "Your eyes make it very clear you want to have sex with me. And you're not."

"Your eyes say you want to sleep with me," he smirked.

"That's...that's beside the point."

"How is that beside the point?"

"Because...I'm not going to sleep with you," she nodded firmly. "I don't sleep with hockey players."

"You don't?"

"I don't."

"What's your name?"


"You know my name," Derek smiled softly. "It doesn't seem very fair that you know my name and I have no idea what your name is."

"Even though I'm not going to sleep with you."

"Even though."

"Meredith," she giggled softly, sticking her hand out to shake his.

"Meredith," he echoed, nodding his head slowly, not pulling his hand away as he stopped shaking it. "Nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too," she murmured, and Derek could swear her cheeks turned slightly red.

"So Meredith, what do you do?"

"Why should I tell you that?"

"Because you know what I do."

"I'm a surgical intern," she sighed. "Which I know is insane and now that you know that you probably wouldn't even sleep with me because let's face it, surgical interns are like freaks. I'm a freak so you probably just...actually I'm a rambling freak and I really wish someone would just tell me to shut up sometimes."

"Don't shut up," he shook his head. "Pre-med."


"I was pre-med in college," Derek smiled. "And yes, I know it's weird that I turned out to be a hockey player but that's not a story I tell strange woman I meet in a bar who refuse to sleep with me."

"And I'm sure there's not that many," she rolled her eyes.

"There really isn't," he laughed.

"Could I possibly be the first one on the list?" she giggled.

"You might be," he nodded, laughing softly. "I'm impressed, slightly disappointed but mainly impressed."

"Disappointed?" she raised an eyebrow just as her pager went off. "Crap. Crap. I've got to go."

"Oh that's why I became a hockey player," he laughed.

"It's probably a good idea," Meredith laughed softly. "Shit, where did Izzie go?"

"By now...Mark's apartment."

"In the case she can find her own way back to work," Meredith groaned. "It was...something meeting you, Derek."

"It was something meeting you too, Meredith."

"Bye Derek."

"Bye Meredith."

Derek smiled to himself as she walked away. She was something. She was completely gorgeous and the last thing he had expected her to be. He couldn't even remember the last time a woman hadn't fallen on him naked. But she just giggled and refused, refused before he even offered.

He had a feeling Meredith might be amazing.

"Oh and Derek?"

Derek smiled as he looked at her smiling at him again. "Yeah?"

"It's a shame you're a hockey player."

Derek was pretty sure it was.

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