Chapter 42

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Adam's POV
I paced back and forth around the office. On my desk sat an uneaten sandwich that Tyler had brought me in attempts to make me eat. I took a small bite out of it before I felt like I was going to throw up. Tyler and Emily had gone out to check up on Riley since we had both agreed it wasn't safe for us anymore. I didn't want to send them, but I was going crazy not knowing how was Riley. Ever since this whole mess started I got weaker and weaker by the day. The thought of being separated by Riley was killing me. I put all my trust in her when she said yes to staying with Russell, but who knew what Russell was going to do? Riley might have had good intentions, but Russell's not the type of guy to let things pass. I try to think about all the moments we had together to keep myself from going insane and it always ends up the same way. I messed up and I should've protected Riley better than I did. If anything happens to her, it'll be my fault. And I'm not sure I can live with that.

Before I could keep myself in my head, someone barged into the office and I looked up to see Tyler and Emily out of breath. "Something's wrong." Tyler says out of breath. I hand him a bottle of water. "What happened? What's wrong?" I ask in a frenzy. "Jason hasn't seen her all week. And the last time he saw he said she was acting weird." Emily says sitting down and catching her breath. "How'd you end up talking to Jason?" I ask in confusion. I knew he's one of the good guys, but he was also one of Russell's close guards and fighter. It didn't make sense how they would get close to him. "He came to us actually." Tyler says. "He thinks if we come up with a good plan, we can save her before Russell tries something." As Tyler says this, my brain is going ten miler per hour.

"I-I thought we had a plan?" I ask sitting down and taking all this information in. "It's not going to work, not without Riley. Right now, we need to trust Jason and hope that we can get to her on time." Tyler says and Emily nods her head. "Okay, let's do this." I say with a serious face. "How do we get to him?" I ask. I start to think about all the things that need to be done, but how are we suppose to do it with someone who we can barely see? "Well, we could go outside and talk to him." Emily says with a small smile on her face. "He may or may not have come with us." She says with a small chuckle. The moment she says this, I make my way outside and see Jason standing there with his hands in his pockets.

I wanted to scream at him for not taking care of Riley, but nothing comes out. I open and close my mouth trying to say something, but nothing comes out. "I know." Jason says. "But we're gonna get her. I promise you that." With that he comes over and give me a hug while patting me on the back. Typical guy hug. I do the same and show him the way to the office. "What happened?" I ask Jason once were all hydrated and ready to take this on. "To be honest, I don't know. One night, Russell wanted to meet her in the office. Probably to talk about her progress in her training, and next thing I know she's walking out of her room with the same clothes she wore the day before. She even looked sweaty. I tried asking her about it, but she just brushed me off." Jason runs a hand over his hair and I take a deep breath trying to process all of this as fast as I can.

"During practice, she was better than the day before. I mean, she was hitting every target and she wasn't even tired. It's like she was pushing herself without the effect of wearing herself out. Next thing I know, Russell has her try something new and all the weapons in the training arena hit the target. I've never seen her like that." Jason shakes his head and my head is filled with millions of questions, but I let Jason finish. "And ever since then, I haven't seen her. Whatever's happening can't be good." Jason says and leans on the wall for support since all the chaos were taken. "She's been training? For what?" I ask, I knew Russell wanted her for her powers but why train her with targets and weapons? "He wants her to be his perfect weapon." Jason says and we all face him.

"Perfect weapon? As in she'll-kill-everything-in-site weapon?" Emily asks worried. Jason nods his head and suddenly this whole plan got more complicated than we thought. "How'd that happen?" Tyler asks. "I'm not sure, but Russell must have known something was up." Jason says. Emily and Tyler went to get some food and Jason stayed behind to help out with the plan. "There's no way we're gonna get out of this alive." I say once Jason tells me what he has in mind. "It's a suicide mission, but right now? It's the best one we've got. We don't include your pack in this, just us. If anything happens, we make sure that your pack stays safe." Jason says looking at the map splayed out on the desk.

It was a map of the forest, we calculated the distance between the pack house and Russell's pack house. It was pretty far away, we don't think they'd be able to find our pack house. We tried out different strategies on how to take Riley out of there without any casualties, but once Jason explained how tight security is over there it would be impossible not get out of there without a fight. We went through different scenarios over and over again, once Emily and Tyler came back they gave out their own ideas and Jason gave them feedback as to whether it would work or not. After multiple hours, we finally had reached our plan. It was plain and simply really, Jason would find us a way in and take us straight to Riley or Russell, whichever came first.

"You do realize this isn't going to be pretty?" I say and look over at everyone to make sure they're with me on this. "We know. But I'd rather save Riley then lose her." Emily says, I could hear the fear in her voice. She knows the consequences of this, but the way she's stepped up to do this is impressive. We decide to do this in a couple of days so everyone can rest up and get ready. I tell Jason he can sleep in my room since I don't really use it anymore, but he decides to stay here. "Whatever happens, I'm going to do my best to get you all out of there alive. Even if it kills me." He says in a serious tone. "Thank you." I tell him in a small voice. For the first time since all of this happen, I feel tired. I can feel the weight standing on top of my shoulders trying to push me down. And for the time in a long time, I finally get some sleep.

Emily's POV
Once we leave Adam's office, we stay in silence. Neither of us know what to say. The one thing we both know is that we're probably not gonna make it out of there alive. It's the air and we can all feel it. "Hey..." Tyler says snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at him and he gives me a small smile. "Can we go outside for a minute? I kinda need some fresh air." He says in a small voice, I nod at him and he holds my hand while we make our way out. It's pretty dark and chilly, but I highly doubt both of us feel it. We sit down on the steps and I look at the ground thinking of something to say.

"Whatever happens, promise me you'll be safe." Tyler says in almost a whisper, scared as is someone is going to hear us. "You say that like we're going to die." I say in an attempt to make a joke. I chuckle and look into his eyes. He's scared, just like me, and when he doesn't say anything I break down. Tyler wraps his arms around me and he doesn't say anything. We stay like that for a long time.

Aaand here's another update, woohoo!! I wrote this on my phone so if there's a few grammatical errors, I apologize in advance. I tried to write this as fast as possible so I didn't lose my momentum. But I hope you guys like it and as always please let me know what you think in the comments. Even if I don't answer I still read them all :) love u guys and thank you for the support!

See you on the next chapter!

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