Chapter 20

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside. My eyes fluttered open and rays of sunshine entered the room. I yawned and sat up, I stretched my arms out and flopped back down on the bed.

Thank God it's Friday.

The bed beside me was empty and I looked to see that Adam wasn't there. I got up and wrapped one of the sheets around my body. I regretted getting up once my feet touched the cold floor.

I search everywhere across the room and I don't find Adam. I stand in the middle of the room with my hands in my hips. My eyes land on a little note in the nightstand, I go over and read what it says.

Hey beautiful,
School was cancelled today so we have the day for us. I'll be waiting for you outside.

Love you, beautiful.

P.S. Don't take any of my shirts :) still love you

I let the note down and roll my eyes playfully. I went into the bathroom and took a bath. I decided to wash my hair too, once I was out of the shower I put on some underwear, some jeans and one of Adam's flannel shirt.

Oh yeah, I'm a real rebel.

I grabbed my black high top converse and put on a hoodie since it was a bit chilly in the room and I figured it would be more cold outside. As for my hair, I blow dried it for a bit and let it down.

I left the room and I could see everyone looking at me with a smile on their face. I returned the smile and even interacted with someone. I rounded the corner and I saw Emily walking down the hallway.

"Emily!" I shouted, she turned around and when she saw me she gave me a wide smile. I ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Hey, I haven't seen you since the full moon." Emily says, breaking away from the hug. "I know, school has me a bit busy right now." I say scratching the back of my head.

"Where you headed?" Emily asks. "Oh, I'm meeting Adam outside." I say with a small smile. "Ooh, Adam." She says in a mini sing song voice. I roll my eyes playfully and she gives me a small laugh. "Rumor has it he has something special planned for you." She said nudging my shoulder and wiggling her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Sorry, but I can't say, I swore." She said raising her hands in surrender. "Oh, come on. You already told me part of it might as well tell me the rest." I say, batting my eyelashes. "No can do." She says and she imitated zipping her lips and throwing away the key.

"Fine." I say. We go outside and the fresh air welcomes us. The wind was blowing a little bit, making the day a bit chilly and I'm glad I put on my hoodie. I see Adam leaning on the car and I turn to Emily. "That's my ride, I'll talk to you later, ok?" I say. "Yeah, have fun." She says and wiggles her eyebrows.

She pulls me into a hug and then I go over to Adam. He sees me and a wide smile appears on his face. "Morning, beautiful." "Morning, Parker." He grabs my face in his hands and gives me a kiss. "Do you know what day it is?" He says leaning his forehead against mine.

I lean back and lean my head to the side. "Friday?" I ask in confusion. He stares at me for a minute and then I get it. "Oh my god, it's Friday!" I say, I take a step back and start jumping up and down. "It's my birthday!" I say and hug him. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday, like who does that? Literally nobody. He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist.

His hugs are literally like the best thing ever. His hugs are warm and they make me feel safe. I could hug him all day. He breaks the hug and pulls out a blue box from his pocket. "Happy birthday, princess." He says and gives me the box.

I give him a smile and open the box. It's a gold locket in shape of a heart. When I open  it I see a small picture of me and Adam, it was taken on the full moon when we were sitting down on the log with a blanket wrapped around us in front of the bonfire.

My head was in Adam's shoulder and he was looking down at me with a smile on his face. Our fingers were intertwined and everyone around us were sitting around the fire too. I remember that day, it was a good day. It was when I met Emily, Hailey and Skyler.

It's so beautiful I can't stop looking at it. The gold makes it look elegant and simple and it makes it so special. I look back at Adam with a smile on my face. "Adam, it's beautiful. I-I can't believe you got me this." I say.

"Anything for you, princess." He says with a smile. I love it when he calls me that. Those cute little nicknames he gives me make me weak at the knees. I don't even know how he does it. It's like he has a girl dictionary and how to make her go to Cloud 9 or something like that. Every time he calls me that my heart flutters and the butterflies are back.

But I don't mind at all, in fact I would probably die happy just by looking at him. I give him the locket so he can put it around my neck. I pull my hair to side and Adam brings the locket around my neck. Once he puts it on I turn around and on my tippy toes while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you, I love it so much." I say and give him a kiss. "Come on, we're gonna out for some breakfast." He says going over to the driver's side. "Where we headed?" I ask as I close the door.

"It's a family diner, it's really really good." He says and turns on the engine. I gasp and turn around to face him. "Do they make pancakes?" I say and put my hands over my mouth. I haven't eaten pancakes in so long plus I love pancakes.

"Yes, they do make pancakes." He laughs. As we make our way to the diner I lean my head against the window and look outside. It's such a beautiful day, the sun is shining bright, the trees look more green than usual, birds are chirping outside and it's chilly outside so it's not exactly hot.

I can practically hear the pancakes calling me too. I can't wait to get some pancakes. I'll put some whipped cream with some strawberries, I'll pour syrup all over it and I'll have some orange juice on the side. Just the thought of having a fluffy pancake with some delicious strawberries with a dollop of whipped cream and bathed in syrup makes my mouth water.

But for now, I'll have to dream about pancakes until we get to the diner.

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