Chapter 23

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We were at the grocery store and we were currently at the line to pay for everything. We got hamburgers, hot dogs, soft drinks... Literally everything you need for a barbecue. I was looking at the cart and I noticed that we didn't have bread for the hot dogs or for the hamburgers.

"Oh shoot! We forgot the bread!" I shouted-whispered to Emma. "I'll go get it real quick." I tell her and I go to the aisle where the breads are.

My eyes spot the breads and I take both of them when I turn around to go back to Emma I jump back when I see a guy standing in front of me. The breads almost fall from my hands but I quickly catch them before they do.

"Um, hi." I say a bit nervous looking at the guy. He has black, spiky hair and green eyes. He's more tall than me but not taller than Adam. He has a name tag on his white shirt that says Kevin.

Once he hears me a creepy smile forms on his face before taking a step towards me. I discreetly took a step back. "You must be Riley." He says and my heart starts beating faster.

"How do you know my name?" I ask and I start to panic. The only people who know my name are the pack, Emma and Ryan, not even the people at my school know my name. And the way he said it sent shivers up my spine.

His smile stays in place and I take another step back. "Tell Adam I said hi." He said before walking backwards, his creepy smile not leaving his face. Once he's out of the aisle I go running towards Emma.

"Damn, took you long enough." She says annoyed. I give her the bread and I start searching frantically for Kevin. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Emma says while paying for the groceries.

"I'm fine. Just excited for the party." I say a bit too chirpy. We take the bags and head to the car. We put the groceries in the trunk and hop inside.

"Okay, something happened because you never use your chirpy voice." She says while turning the engine on. She gets out of the parking lot and we make our way to the house.

"While I was getting the bread this creepy guy was in front of me out of no where and he knew my name. He was smiling at me like a lunatic and then he says 'tell Adam I said hi' and then he just starts walking backwards with that creepy smile on his face." I say still looking around to see if Kevin followed us.

"Whoa. First, that is beyond creepy. Like who does that? And second, maybe you shouldn't freak out so much about it. Maybe it was just a joke, you know how kids are these days." She says brushing it off.

"It didn't look like a kid Emma. He looked older than us, not by much but I'd say like two or three years older." I say still panicking about it.

I mean what kind of person even does that. I didn't even hear him walking up to me and I have wolf hearing. I can't help but feel that maybe something isn't right. The way he knew my name and Adam's, I've never seen that guy in my life and, I don't know, maybe I am overeating but maybe I'm not.

And that smile. I can't even find the words to describe how creepy and scary it was. Emma snap me out of my thoughts when she talked to me.

"Look, why don't you talk to Adam about this? Maybe he can do something about it, I mean he's an going to be an Alpha soon, right?" Emma says in a serious tone.

I nod my head while still looking out the window. In a matter of minutes we were already at the house. Emma honked a few times to let the guys know we came back so that they could help us.

Ryan and Adam walk out the door and Emma opens the trunk so we could bring the groceries inside. Emma and I hoped out of the car and she comes over to my side. "Why don't you go inside and me and the guys bring the stuff inside, ok?" She says.

"No, it's ok. I'll help you guys." I tell her and start making my way to the back of the car before Emma grabs my arm. I turn around and Emma takes a step closer to me. "Your still a little shaken up, Riley. I know you are. Go inside and drink some water or splash some on your face, ok?" She asks running a hand up and down my arm.

I give her nod and I make my way to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face and I take the towel and dry my face.

I go to the kitchen and drink some water too. A couple of bags are already on the counter so I start taking some stuff out and putting them in the fridge.

Once all the bags were inside and storage away Emma puts the lock on her car and closes the door while I put my bottle of water back in the fridge.

Arms wrap around my waist and I jump back while turning around. I see that it was Adam only and I let out a breath of relief. "Oh my god, you scared me." I say while putting a hand on my chest to control my breathing.

"Hey, Riley?" Emma says and jump once again. Adam looks at me confused and I compose myself. "What's up?" I say, clearing my throat trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Can you put the drinks in the fridge so they start to get cold?" She ask me. "Already done." I say in a chirpy voice failing to sound normal. "Great." She says while glancing at Adam then back at me. She walks out of the kitchen and heads out to the backyard.

I lean against the counter and Adam steps in front of me. "What's wrong?" He ask worried. I look into his eyes and I know that he knows something is up. I take a second to decide if I should tell him now or later.


"Nothing's wrong. Why would you think that? I mean I'm as cool as a cucumber." I say in that chirpy voice once again. Adam holds my gaze for a minute, studying me, before crossing his arms. "I know something's wrong, Riley." Adam says in a stern voice.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Adam says in the same tone. "Yeah, I've been getting that a lot." I say, rubbing my temples.

And so I tell him about Kevin and his creepy smile and how he told me to sent him a message and how I'm spooked about it. When I finish I see that Adam is all tense and his jaw is clenched.

He runs a hand through is hair before muttering something and smacking the table. He looks at me and his eyes are turning black. "I was kind of hoping that you'd laugh at me and tell me I'm blowing this out of proportion." I say in a whisper while looking down.

"Did you see if he was with anyone?" Adam asks. I shake my head and explain that once he left that aisle I never knew where we went.

"Adam, I'm scared." I say my voice quavering a little. Adam cups my face with his hands and I looks into his eyes. My vision a bit blurry because of the tears threatening to escape. "Riley, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, ok?" He says and I give him a nod.

"Is he from the Lightwood pack? Part of the meetings that you do?" I ask in a low voice, afraid that maybe Kevin can hear me. Adam gives me a small nod and I close my eyes, burying my face in Adam's chest.

He wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly. He runs his hands up and down my back. I'm not crying but I just need a minute to breathe and calm down.

I know I'm gonna be safe as long as Adam's with me but what scares me is that if he was able to find me here what makes me think that he can't find me at the pack house?

I calm down and Adam unwraps his arms and looks at me. "I'm gonna do everything I can to keep you safe, princess." He says in a hushed tone.

He leans in and his lips meet mine. He cups my face in his hands and kisses me with passion. We break off the kiss and I lean my forehead against his. His thumb strokes my cheek which calms me down more.

"Let's go celebrate your birthday, ok, princess?" Adam says and I nod forcing a smile on my face.

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