Chapter 25

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Oh my god.

My eyes went wide as I hear him call my name. Tears were filling my eyes and I tried my best to not start crying now.

Jesus, Riley. Get your act together, this is not the time to start crying now.

I looked at Adam and I saw the same look of horror on his face. Crap, this is not good.

"I know you're here, Riley." Kevin said getting closer and closer to where we were. I put my hand over my mouth to stop the sobs that were threatening to come out. I couldn't stop the tears as they flowed down my face.

"Riley, we need to get out of here now." Adam whispered in my ear. I couldn't say anything I was so damn scared that I was afraid that Kevin could hear me breathing. He knows I'm here and I know what he's doing.

He's trying to get me to piss my pants and surrender to him or show myself to him, but I know better than that. There's not much me and Adam could do, we can't hide, we can run but not to the pack house.

So where the hell could we go?

"On the count of three, we'll run as fast as we can, ok?" Adam said. I nodded at him, and released the hand that was clamped over my mouth to hold his.

"You can run, but you can't hide." Kevin said, getting closer and closer. I don't know how I couldn't hear his footsteps, the woods were covered in leafs and branches and everything you could possibly imagine and I still couldn't hear anything. It could have been because of how scared I was or that the only sound I could hear was my own beating heart practically flying out of my chest.

I looked over at Adam and I started thinking about all the negative scenarios that could happen.


Adam mouthed. What would my life would be if I didn't have Adam? What is something happened to him?

"Am I getting closer?" Kevin said in the same tone that made shivers run up my spine. He's getting closer and closer by the minute.


Adam's been there for me since day one, I don't know what I would or who would I be without him. I held Adam's hand tightly and closed my eyes to try and calm down. Tears were still streaming down my face and there was no way I could control them anymore.


"Peak- A- Boo" Kevin said in my ear just as Adam pulled me up to my feet to run. My eyes were filled with so many tears that I couldn't see where we were going.

All I could hear was the sound of leafs and twigs being crushed by my feet and Adam's. I hold on to Adam's hand tighter, afraid that I might lose him, I look over my shoulder to see if Kevin is anywhere near us but he isn't.

And in that moment we hear a wolf howling. We stop abruptly in the middle of god-knows-where and Adam turns to look at me.

"We have to change NOW." Adam says and he lets go of my hand. I try my best to stop the tears from flowing and concentrate on changing into my wolf form.

Once me and Adam change I realize that this is the first time our wolves have met. They stare into each other's eyes for a second before we hear it again. Closer this time.

We start running as fast as we can side by side. We take different turns to try to lose Kevin even though our scent gives us away. But it's better than running in a straight direction.

For a brief moment I lose Adam, I try not to panic and change back into my human form. I look around and try not to make so much noise.

Straight line, take left and a right, go back. Take a left, go straight, take a left and go back. Everywhere I went and I still couldn't find him. At this moment I was full on panicking. I heard the sound of a wolf whimpering very faintly up ahead of me.

"Adam?" I asked my voice quivering with fear. Form where I was standing I could make out something lying on the floor and as I got closer I saw light gray fur.

Oh my god.

No, this can't be happening.

"Adam!" I scream and run to him only to find him with scratches in his back. There's blood pouring and I almost couldn't believe what was happening.

He transformed back into his human form and I immediately took off his shirt and tried to stop the blood from flowing.

"Adam, stay with me! You're gonna be ok just stay with me!" Tears were flowing down my face but I wasn't full on crying, I needed to keep myself calm in order to act fast.

"Riley... You need to get out of here..." Adam said his voice barely a whisper. He was getting weak by the moment but I didn't know where the pack house and I know that I need to get help. Fast.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" I said. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"Riley... I love you so much..." Adam said cupping my cheek with his hand. "I love you too." I said my voice choking. I kissed him and when I pulled away he had a sad smile. I rested my forehead against his and tried to think of a way to get help.

"Well, well, well, isn't this adorable." He said. I stood frozen on the spot my blood running cold. I stood up and slowly turned around to face Kevin.

"What the hell do you want?" I said with gritted teeth. "Now, now I wouldn't use that tone young lady." He said, pulling out a knife behind his back.

He took a step forward and at the same time I took a step back. "Leave us alone." I said. He chuckles at this and takes another step closer.

"You're so adorable, Riley. Trying to act strong to save your precious Adam." He said, moving his knife between his fingers.

"It's not gonna work. You see, you're in the middle of the woods with nowhere to run or hide and you have an injured mate. So tell me, how do you think you'll be getting out of this situation?" He says.

I think about everything he said and I look back at Adam. He's breathing but his eyes are closed and my heart breaks at the thought that maybe he won't survive or I won't be able to get us out of this situation.

"Yeah that's what I thought, take her away boys. I'm taking Adam." He says smirking. "Don't you dare tou-"

Someone comes up from behind me and puts chloroform in my nose. I try to scream but it all sounds muffled. My eyes start to get heavy and before I know it everything goes black.


Please, please don't be mad. I know a lot of you wanted this chapter so badly but I've been doing some thinking and I don't know if I should continue writing.

Not because I don't want to keep writing it's just that I've been busy with school and life and everything.

You've all been so supportive and I love you guys for that. Please let me know what you think it would mean a lot to me.

I love you guys so much.

Remember to hit follow to know when I post. See you on the next chapter (hopefully you won't have to wait a month or 2).

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