Chapter 45

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Emily's POV

After Jason had told me that it was up to me to find the antidote, I left Riley where she was and ran down the hallway as fast as I could to figure out where this antidote might be. I kept racking my brain for anything but I came up short. Could Russell have an office where he would keep the antidote? Maybe there's a shack somewhere on the outskirts of the pack where he kept it? Could it be in the training arena? Or is it really far away from here and we really were too late? I had no answers and it's not like I can go back and ask those guys to tell me if they know anything about where the antidote might be. Riley's life was in my hands now and as much as I would love to play hero I had no idea where to begin looking.

I went down several halls and entered many rooms until I found myself at a dead end. I hit the wall out of frustration and there was a hollow sound. My breathing stopped for a moment. I pressed my ear against the wall and hit it again, and the sound came back hollow. Although it was dry wall, there was no way I could break that with my bare hands. I looked around for anything that might give me leverage, but sadly there weren't any axes hanged up on the walls in case of an emergency.

I entered a room that was down the hall and began searching for anything sharp. The rooms was pretty empty, except for a bed and a nightstand. I quickly looked in the nightstand and found a small dagger. Which almost looked like a letter opener. "Well, this would have to do." I went back to the dead end and started to pierce the wall and a little bit of wall came off. It would take some time to actually make a hole big enough to find out what's behind it, but I had no other choice. Even though I wasn't sure if the antidote was here I needed to try.

After what seemed like forever I finally made a whole big enough to see what was behind it. Sure enough, there was a small briefcase in there. I started to pick at the wall with the letter opener and my hands, not caring if the wood splinters where slicing my skin. I got the briefcase out and opened it. There's was only one syringe that had a green liquid in it. Green usually means antidote, right? I picked it up and at the bottom of the syringe was the word antidote. "Geez, who's the idiot that would put a label on this?" I said. "The same idiot who's gonna kill you." A voice whispered in my ear as something sharp pressed up against my throat. "Come on, honey. We don't have enough to time. Pick up the briefcase and if you behave I won't slit your throat." The voice, which I recognized was Russell's said. I followed his instructions. We started walking down the hall again, we made some turns and kept walking down more halls until we reached, what I assumed was, his office. He slashed my hand and I screamed in pain. The cut was burning my arm and I fell down and put my hand over it to ease the pain. Russell knelt down in front of me and placed the knife under my chin. "Bleach can hurt pretty bad, right?" He said with a smirk on his face while tears streamed down my face. "You try anything, and I mean anything, and I will kill you slowly. I'll cut, poke and stab that body of yours with this knife and bleach. It'll hurt so bad you'll wish you were dead." He said in a serious tone. With that he got up and put my arms behind my back, tying them up.

"They're gonna find me. And when they do, they'll kill you and we'll save Riley." I said through gritted teeth. He chuckled and sat down in the chair that was behind his desk.

Adam's POV
We were walking down the hall when we heard a scream. "Emily." We both said at the same time. We started running down the halls when we came face to face with a room that had double doors. "This is it, this is his office." I said in a low voice. Tyler opened the door and there was Russell standing in front of his desk with a knife pressed up against Emily's throat. "Emily!" Tyler said and held a tight grip on his hand so that she wouldn't go near her. "Stay right there or she dies!" Screamed Russell. Emily's face was red and tears were silently streaming down her face.

"Let her go, she has nothing to do with this." Said Tyler. "But you see, she has everything to do with this. Your precious girl here found the antidote. But without her you won't know where it is. Now, you have two choices. You can either let Riley and me go and save your girl or you take your chances on finding the antidote and save Riley and I kill her." He said. I looked around trying to find anything that would possible tell me where the antidote is. Although Tyler and I had our weapons, we couldn't do anything without hurting Emily. "I see Riley's not with you. I'd choose quickly if you don't want her waking up, you can only be unconscious for so long." He said. "You little-." Tyler said storming towards him. Russell made ran his knife across Emily's cheek and she screamed. "Ah, ah, ah. You don't want me to kill your little pet now, do we?" He said and Emily thrashed in his arms. "What the hell did you do to her?!" Tyler screamed once again his hands forming fists at his sides. "The knife's drenched in bleach. Every cut I make into her skin will burn like hell. Take another step and I'll cut her again." Russell said through clenched teeth. 

Something sharp poked at my back and a voice spoke up. "There's no way out, Adam." Riley said. I looked over a Tyler and I shook my head. Even though Riley was on the enemy's side, we couldn't risk hurting her either. Without her, Russell might as well kill Emily. Riley stepped in front of me with the knife pointing at my chest. "Let me go and save Emily." She said looking straight into my eyes. "You don't want this." I told her trying to reason with her. "Remember when you used to sneak out and meet me at the lake? I told you I was gonna get you out of here and you tried to push me away, but I came back. I came back because you can't push me away no matter how hard you try." For a second, something passed through Riley's eyes and she lowered the knife just the tiniest bit. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit and just like that she went back to the Riley she was now.

"Oh, God. Not this again." Russell said. I looked over at Emily and she took the opportunity to kick Russell in his shin with the back of her foot and she fell to the ground before the knife got here. Tyler lunged forward and cut Russell's arm and he let go of the knife. I slapped Riley's knife out of her hand and pushed her into the wall. She brought her knee up to my stomach and that sent me on my back. She straddled me and got hold of the knife and brought it down on me. I dodged it at the last second and punched her in the face.

Damn it, I didn't want to do that.

Without thinking, I grabbed the knife and stabbed Russell in the back. He screamed in pain and fell on his knees. Crap, I hope that saves us some time. Tyler quickly cut Emily's restrains and before Riley got back up, I grabbed her arms. "Let me go!" She thrashed and kick at my legs. "Emily, hurry up!" I said feeling my grip loosing up. She quickly got the antidote that was under Russell's desk and injected it in her neck. Riley's breathing started to slow down and I laid her down on the floor. Her eyes were closed and all we could do was wait.

Behind us, Russell started laughing. "You think the antidote's gonna save her? Ha! You don't get a whiff of power and not crave it again. Let's see what you'll do then." Russell said with blood running down his mouth. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see." Tyler said and he removed the knife from his back and stabbed him in the chest. Russell slumped forward marking the end of his life. Riley groaned and we all stood over here watching her slowly open her eyes. She sat up and looked over at us. She brought her hand to her lip and looked at the small drop of blood on her fingers. "Did you punch me?" She said looking at me.

"Yes." I said in a slow voice, not knowing what Riley was in front of me. "You came back for me." Her voice broke a little and she got up and wrapped her arms around me. My Riley was back. I wrapped my arms around tightly as she cried into my arms. "I always did." I said into her ear.

Hello helloooo, here's another chapter! I was gonna wait until tomorrow to write this chapter but I had a flow of ideas of what would happens and I felt like I could write it sooo here we are :)) there's gonna be one more chapter and that'll be the end of this book :') I'm a bit sad but very happy that this book will be finished since I've been writing for what feels like forever. I hope you guys like it, see you in the next chapter!

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