Chapter 27

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I wake up to the sound of someone in the distance screaming. Once I remember what exactly happened I realize that I'm tied to a chair from shoulder to toe. Literally.

Panic starts to rise inside of me as I realize that I can't get out of the ropes and that Adam is somewhere in here.

"Adam?" I say, whispering. I hear footsteps getting closer and people talking outside. I try to move my body to try and loosen the ties.

I hear something being unlocked outside and I get more panicked than I already was. A door opens and in comes Kevin.

My blood boils in less then a second. "Where the hell is Adam?" I say through gritted teeth. "We're taking really good care of him." Kevin says coming closer to me.

He has his hands behind his back and starts to pace in front of me. "Do you know why you're here, Riley?" He asks.

I stare at with a straight face, unamused by the whole situation. He looks at me and chuckles. "My father and I, which is the alpha by the way, have big plans for you. But in other for those plans to be successful we need you to be a part of our pack." He says smoothly, as if I would actually let them use me for whatever they need.

I start to snicker and then I burst out laughing. I laugh and laugh in front of him because it's actually quite funny. My laughter starts to die and I let out a sigh when I'm finished.

"You actually think that I'm just gonna give in to whatever you say? Wow, Kevin. I didn't know you were such a comedian." I say.

He stands in front of me and crouches down so he's at my eye level. "If you don't do as we say, Adam dies." He says not showing signs of bluff.

At this point I'm pissed off. I'm done with him and all of his stupid threats. I am not the Riley that would cower when Alice would scream at her. I am not the Riley who would sit in the back of class so that nobody would notice her. That Riley is long gone.

This Riley right here is stronger than ever and that's all thanks to Adam. You wanna threaten me, Kevin? Game on, bitch. "Oh no, please don't kill Adam! Not my mate!" I say in the most sarcastic voice I could muster.

I push my head forward just a little bit and look straight into his eyes. "Do you actually think that you can kill Adam easily? He beat the shit out of my best friend and that's nothing compared to what he will do to you." I say confidentially.

Adam's not one to give in easily that's for sure and I know that whatever Kevin is planning Adam won't let him get his way that easily. And neither will I. "Your threats don't scare me, Kevin." I say in a deadly voice.

"You may not be scared by my threats but I know that you're scared of me. And I'll use that to my advantage." He says and pulls out a syringe from his back.

I watch his movements carefully, trying to predict what his next move will be. He goes behind me and pulls my hair back where my mark is. He runs his finger over it and whispers in my ear. "It would be a shame if something were to happen to him."

I don't know what got in my but the minute he said that I turned my head slightly and bit his hand as hard as I could. He screams and tries to pry his hand out of my mouth but I only bit harder.

"Jackson!" He screams, a few minutes later a guy, who I assume is Jackson, walks in and runs over to me and Kevin when he sees what's happening.

I couldn't get a good look at him so I don't exactly know how he looks like. "Give me the syringe!" He says to Kevin. He injects me in the other side of my neck and I scream as I feel a burning sensation go throughout my body.

Once he pulls the syringe out I feel my wolf getting more and more angry and when I try to change I can't. I try again and again but it just won't happen. Kevin goes running out of the room and it's only me and Jackson.

Now that can see how he looks like I actually feel terrified of him. He's way older than I am and has deep blue eyes, his hair is a bit curly and short and is wearing black clothes. He looks good but not as good as Adam.

"Don't worry we're gonna take good care of you. I promised Adam we would." He says and smiles. It's not that creepy smile that Kevin gave me when we first met. But it isn't a warm smile either. I try to move just to get away from Jackson but I can't.

It's like my body was put into a freezer for 10 years. Panic stars to rise in me and I get tear eyed because maybe I won't be able to get me and Adam out of this situation. This could go down in a million ways and there might be a possibility that we won't make it out alive. But I can't afford to start thinking that way now.

I start to whimper when I can't move and Jackson runs his hand over my hair. "Don't touch me." I say my voice cracking at the end. He shushes me and takes out chloroform. He puts a little bit on a handkerchief that he has and puts it on my face.

I tried to fight my best so that I don't breathe it but I can only hold my breathe for so long. My eyes starts to get heave and then I went to sleep.

Will they be able to get out of this situation? Or will one of them die in the process? Will someone come for rescue? Stay tuned to find out.

Sooo another update, not exactly two days later but not after a month. If you're asking yourself why the injection that Riley got can't make her move that will be explained.

Ma god I'm so excited for the next chapter! Hit follow so u know when I update and I'll see u guys on the next chapter! 😋

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