Chapter 44

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Adam's POV

The scene that was unfolding in front of me was one that I would have never imagined. Riley was fighting like she was a weapon. I couldn't understand what was happening or why was she acting like this. I stood frozen in my spot and watched them go at each other. Jason was doing a good job of evading Riley's hits but she was going to fast. It was only a matter of time before she actually hurt him. Just as she took out her blade, something hit the back of her head and she fell to the floor. Right behind her was Emily holding a brick in her hand. "Sorry, I-I didn't know what else to do." She said with an apologetic smile and threw the brick on the floor. We all looked at each other not knowing what to do next until Tyler spoke up. "Well, since our plan took a turn, why don't we put Riley into a room and deal with this Russell guy first? Clearly, it seems like the easiest way to go since we have a murder weapon here." We all agreed, Emily tied her wrist and Jason was the one who took charge and carried her. "I know a room, but we have to move fast." He says leading us to the room. 

We reached a room that looks like a training arena. There's all sorts of weapons laid out on a table and there's several targets lined up on a wall in front of us. "What is this place?" Asked Emily as she looked around. "It's where Riley trained." Said Jason putting Riley down on a corner of the room. Holy Jesus. "Okay, lets talk about the obvious elephant in the room. Why the hell is Riley acting like this?" Emily said crossing her arms across her chest. Tyler stood next to her in a protective manner. I used to do that with Riley, protect her from anything that might come towards us. But the one thing I couldn't protect her from was the truth. The one thing that broke us apart. As I looked at Riley, I started thinking of the possibilities that we might actually save her. What if whatever happened to Riley was something that we couldn't fix? What then? Were we suppose to kill her if it came to that? Would I even survive without my mate? I closed my eyes in order to stop these thoughts from running through my mind. I have to take things one step at a time. That's the only way we can make it out of this

"I think Russell injected something into her." Jason said walking over to Riley. We all followed him and he moved Riley's next to the side. We saw three dots in her neck that were starting to bruise, like a shot. "I have no idea what it is, but I think it's what made Riley turn like this. One night, she just disappeared and when I asked her about it she just brushed it off. I don't think she even knew what happened to her." Jason said standing up. "How do we fix it?" Tyler asked. Jason shrugged his shoulders and we all looked defeated. "Wait, if they injected something into her there must be something that can reverse it back. Like an antidote for a cure." Emily said. "Why would there be an antidote?" I asked. 

"Think about it. If this is what's making Riley the perfect weapon, then Russell must be the one who's providing the injections. Which explains why she has three bruises. The more injections she gets the more powerful she is. But what if she gets to be more powerful than Russell? Obviously, he wouldn't let that happen so when he injects the antidote into her-"

"The weaker she'll be and the more control Russell will have over her." Tyler said finishing her sentence. "Exactly." Emily said. Suddenly we heard clapping in the room and we all turned around to find Russell and Jackson watching down on us from the second floor of the training arena. "She's not wrong." Said Russell with a smirk on his face. "The only flaw in your plan is the antidote is far away from here. You were just a little bit too late." He said. Tyler stepped in front of Emily and I looked at Riley and saw that she was still unconscious. "Take care of them." He said to Jason and two more people appeared at his side. "Crap." I said under my breath. They jumped from the second floor to the first one. "I've been waiting for this moment a long time." Said Jason to me. Luckily, the weapons were on our side of the room, so I quickly took what I could. Some ninja stars and a dagger. Tyler and Jason also chose their weapons. Lets get this show on the road. "Emily, it's up to you to find that antidote." Jason said to her. I didn't turn to look at her, but I knew from her silence that she was scared. Just like us. And then we all started fighting. 

Jason and I went head to head. I hadn't fought in a long time so I was mostly dodging his hits. I was too weak to activate my wolf, but I gathered enough strength to have my wolf eyes. Although it didn't make me stronger, I could see Jackson's hit almost in slow motion and it made it better to fight. I was able to dodge his hits and hit him back. I used the dagger so slice his skin and I was beating him. Slowly, but surely. We hit each other back and forth and we were both bleeding. I gathered as much strength I could and pushed him into the wall. I didn't realize I stabbed him until he started bleeding from his mouth. I took the blade out of him and he fell to the ground. I was so immersed in fighting with Jackson that I didn't help Tyler or Jason. I looked back to find Tyler crouching over Jason's body. The other fighters were dead. I ran to them and saw that Jason was bleeding too much. He was breathing heavily, but I knew he wasn't going to make it. "It's here. The antidote's still here. There's no way he knew we were coming. It must be in his office." Jason said struggling. "It's okay, we'll take care of it. You did good, Jason." I told him as his body went paler. He let out one last breath and closed his eyes. Tyler and I stayed there for a few minutes, the reality of the situation was just too much o bear. But we needed to find Emily and the antidote. We needed to save Riley. We looked at each other and gave a small nod. 

We made our way to find Emily and Russell's office but we had no idea where to go, where Russell's office was or where Emily was. We started walking down a hallway and we checked every room carefully just so we didn't miss the office. The pack house was completely empty after the bomb had gone off, but we weren't sure if there other people around waiting to attack. We walked for what felt like hours and we still couldn't find the office or Emily. 


Hi guys! Here's another chapter. I feel like I've been making this last chapters a bit shitty, but I really am trying my best to make it interesting and have a good ending. With that being said, please let me know what you think in the comments and if you have any ideas about what can happen in the next chapter let me know! Love you guys. see you in the next chapter!

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