Chapter 16

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It was morning and we were currently getting ready for school. Today felt like it was gonna be a good day. Yesterday was the full moon and everyone liked me. Somehow today just felt like it was gonna be a good day.

My wolf started to whimper and I couldn't understand why. "Have you seen my shirt?" Adam asked as he rummaged around the drawers and his closet. "Which one?" I asked as I put on my black high top converse.

He turns around to face me and he has his hands on either side of his waist. It was then I noticed he was shirtless. He was showing his abs and I couldn't help but stare at them.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed so my leg was mid air and my hands were on my shoe, I was gonna lace it up, and I couldn't divert my eyes from his perfect body.

"Babe, I know I'm hot but you gotta give me my shirt." He says and I divert my gaze away from his amazing body. "Wh-what?" I stutter.

"You're wearing my shirt." Adam says pointing at me. I stand up and I look down at my shirt, which is indeed his shirt. "Oh, I- uh- I didn't know you were gonna wear it today."

He starts taking a step closer to me and I start taking a step back. My back hits the wall and Adam puts his hands on either side of the wall.

My heart was beating at a fast rate and all I could focus on was how close he was to me. This wasn't new to me, I mean, he's done it a couple of times but it feels as if it were the first time.

He knew the effect he had on me and he loved it. He smiled at me and started to lean in. Our noses brushed and just when he was about to kiss me.

I got a headache.

"Ow!" I said putting my hand on my temple. "What's wrong?" Adam backed away and looked at me with worry.

"Do you have painkillers?" I asked him. I tried to close my eyes to try to take the pain away.

"We have some in the medicine cabinet." He said. In a second he was in front me with two pills and a glass of water.

I took the pills a gulped them down with some water. Adam put his hand on my forehead and put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You don't have a fever." He says his voice filled with worry. "Are you feeling ok?" He says cupping my face with his hands.

"Yeah, it's probably because I'm hungry." We ate some breakfast and I started feeling a bit better. My wolf was still whimpering and I couldn't understand why.

We got to school and Adam walked me to my locker. The headache never left but it hurt less. "Are you sure you're feeling ok?" Adam asks me.

"100% sure." I say and look at him. He's not convinced but he doesn't push it any further. The bell rings and we walk our separate ways to our classes. By my second class the headache was getting stronger but I tried my best to ignore it.

Lunch came by and my head was literally exploding. But it gets worse, everything started to hurt. It was as if someone injected something in my body and everything just hurt.

If a glass were to break my ears would probably bleed from the pain. That's how much it hurts. I didn't even grab some food. I sat down on the table and lay my head down.

"Hey, did you see the full moon yesterday? It was so beautiful!" Emma chirped. As she said that my head got even worse.

"Riley, you don't look so good. Are you ok?" Ryan asked. "She's been like that all morning." Adam said as he sat down next to me. "Did you send her to the pack doctor?" Ryan asked his voice filled with worry just like Adam's.

"She doesn't want to but I gave her some painkillers in the morning and she said that it worked." Adam said running his hand through my hair.

"Riley, you should go to the pack doctor." Emma said. "I'm fine, I just need some sleep." I said rubbing my temples. "I'm gonna go wash my face with some water." I said and got up from my seat. As soon as I did that I got dizzy.

And everything went black.

Adam's POV

"Riley!" The three of us screamed as Riley fell to the floor. We all rushed to the ground and I turned Riley around so she was lying on her back.

Emma patted her face gently trying to wake up her up. "Come on, Riley! Wake up!" She said her voice cracking up a bit. Ryan was splashing a bit of water on her face and I put her head on my lap. Everyone started to circle around us, offering to do something or just in shock of what was happening.

"Someone call a doctor!" I screamed. Tyler came from the crowd and crouched down beside me. "Tyler, I need you to call the pack doctor now." I told him, trying to keep calm.

My heart rate was flying through the clouds. Riley fainted out of the blue and she hasn't been feeling well all morning and I don't know what's wrong with her. So I'm beyond worried right now.

"I'm on it." Tyler said as he dialed the number. In a few minutes the pack doctor came with two people behind him holding a stretcher.

We all watched as they put Riley in the stretcher and walked away. "Mr. Parker, do you wish to come with us?" The pack doctor asked.

I looked at Emma and Ryan. Emma was silently crying as Ryan wrapped his arms around her. "You can go, make sure she's ok." Emma said giving me a sad smile.

She buried her face in Ryan's chest as she couldn't control her sobs anymore. "I'll call you when she wakes up." I told Ryan and he gave me his number.

I went with the pack doctor and we made our way to the pack house.

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