Chapter 3

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It was my last class and I looked at the clock.

5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1


Finally my first day of school is over! Everybody hurried out of the classrooms and went to their lockers. Emma was already waiting me by my locker, I walked up to her and hugged her. "Not bad for a first day of school, huh?" she asked me when we finished hugging. She leaning against another locker that was next to mine. "I guess not, but it could have been better if it wasn't for the whole sandwich fiasco" I told her as started taking out my books and putting some in. She sighed. "You know how Alice is, I'm sure it wasn't even that bad" she tried to reassure me. But boy, I knew what was coming. And just like that that, the devil was making her way towards us. I closed my locker and took Emma's hand and started walking. Hopefully she wouldn't notice us but it was not like that.

"Hey!" Alice screamed. Emma and I stopped and slowly turned around. Alice walked up to us and looked at me straight in the eye. "I'll have you know that this shirt cost me $70, ok?! And you decided to ruin it with your stupid sandwich!" she screamed making sure that all of the students in the hall could hear her. "Well maybe you shouldn't have bumped into her" Emma said. I nudge her arm and she looked at me. I gave her that 'don't-do-it' look. " I bumped into her? I bumped into her?! She was the one who bumped into me! Listen here Riley, you're going to pay for what you did" she said pointing a finger at me. I was silent the whole time, I knew what Alice was capable and I knew better than to mess with her. But now I was in big trouble, she gave me and Emma one last look before she left.

Emma scoffed. "Why didn't you let me say something, Riley?". "Because we both know how she is Emma. I don't want her to ruin my life. Hell, I don't even want anything that has to do with her" I told her. Emma sighed and said to me, "I'm gonna go to my locker ok? I'll text you when Ryan is here." I told her that I was gonna go to the office to pick up some papers. "Hi, I'm Riley Johnson. I'm here to pick up some papers that were left here for me" I told the secretary. She was young, had long blonde hair and some freckles. "Yes, here you go". She gave me a wide smile and I said thank you. I got the papers and checked my phone. Ryan was already here so I made my way to the door.

I was gonna to to the front doors but Alice was there. No way in hell that I'm gonna through there. I texted Emma to pick me up in the back of the school. I started walking down the hall and soon the doors were coming into view. As I rounded around the corner I bumped into someone making the papers fly around and my books fell the the floor.

Please don't let it be Alice, please.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I bent down and started picking my books and papers. My wolf picked up a scent which indicated that I bumped not into a she but a he. God, this was embarrassing. The papers were all over the place. "It's ok" I heard him say. I didn't look up to see him but his voice was soft yet deep. My wolf started to get happy, thinking that maybe he could be my mate.

Calm down girl, he's just helping me with my books.

My wolf glared at me and ignored me. I picked up the last paper and stood up. "Uh here, these are yours too" he said. He had his hand out with my papers, I still didn't make eye contact, but when I grabbed my papers my fingers brushed against his hand. And there it was, that feeling that I was dying to have for so long. I looked into his eyes and my heart started beating fast. My wolf started to jump around and gave a howl.    Holy fire truck
He pushed me up against the wall, making my books and papers fall again, and looked into my eyes. I knew he felt the same spark as I did, I'm his mate.

And he was trouble.

"Mine" he growled.

And the next thing I knew everything went black.

Oohhh chapter 3 is on fiiireeeee!! My updates are slow but trust me it's worth it jaja so tell me what you think so far! And if u like this story make sure to follow me and put it in ur libraryy.
See u on the next chapter!

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