Chapter 43

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Riley's POV
It was clear now, I was straying away from the mission and it was time to make things right. That morning I lay in bed staring at the ceiling wondering how I could be so blind. Adam had betrayed me in the first place, he had lied to me and I forgave him for what? Because he was my mate? No. Russell was right, this is the right choice and in order for me to achieve my true powers I can't have any distractions. I was currently in Russell's office with Kevin by my side. Russell was explaining to us how Jason hadn't come back last night and how he suspected that Jason had gone to my old pack house. Of course he would, he was Russell's favorite guard. Why wouldn't he also try to stab me in the back?

"So what's the plan?" I said, interrupting Russell. They both looked at me but didn't say anything. "I'm assuming there's a plan." I say staying the obvious. "For now, there's no plan. You'll continue your training and if anything suspicious pops up we'll take it from there." Russell said watching us carefully. Since Jason wasn't here anymore Kevin would be in charge of our training sessions. "You'll train harder than you ever have." Russell said in a serious tone and in response I gave him a nod. Russell dismissed us and Kevin and I were in our way to the training arena. Something in the back of my mind was telling me that something wasn't adding up, but I pushed it aside. This wasn't the time to let my thoughts wander, I had to focus on my training.

That afternoon, Kevin was having me do everything. From shooting blanks to focusing all my energy on the target. I was exhausted but he kept yelling at me to keep pushing and working harder. At one point I got fed up and took a knife to his throat. "Yell at me one more time and I'll slit your throat in a second." I said with gritted teeth. "That's cute." He said grinning. I furrowed my eyebrows and in that second, he punched me in the stomach and pushed me. I fell to the floor gasping for breath and Kevin took the knife and walked over to me. "You think you can threaten me? Don't forget I was the one who tortured you, princess." He said in a serious tone and slid the knife across my cheek in a fast motion. After that he left and I stood there holding my cheek.

In that moment, I remembered how worried Adam was that Kevin had hurt me and how, even though he could barely stand, he pulled me into his arms. Why am I thinking about this? I got up and went to the bathroom to clean my cut. Just as I was going to put a Band Aid on it, the light went off and an explosion was heard coming from outside. There was silence and the emergency lights came on. They were red and even though you couldn't see clearly, the whole point of it was to direct you outside as fast as possible. I slowly opened the door and poked my head out. There was smoke everywhere but no one was walking down the hallway. I took the blade that was in the side pocket and slowly made my way out the bathroom and through the hallway.

I was startled when Kevin came up behind me and tapped me in the shoulder. "What the hell, Kevin?!" I whispered slapping his arm. He rolled his eyes at me. "What the hell is going on?" He asked through gritted teeth. "I don't know, I was in the bathroom cleaning the cut you gave me." I said and continued walking down the hall. People started to leave their rooms and go out the nearest exit, some of them were panicking but other members of the pack made sure to get them out as soon as possible. As we kept walking someone pulled me back by my arm and put their hand around my mouth. I tried to scream and kick but they had a strong hold on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jason knocking Kevin out and pushing Kevin by his legs and locking him in the nearest room. Jason even broke the handle of the door to assure that he wouldn't leave. I mimicked what Kevin had done to me and I elbowed the person who had a hold on me in the stomach. In an instant, I turned around and pressed the blade to their throat.

My breath caught in my throat once I saw who it was. "Adam?" I asked in disbelief. He was pressed up against the wall and our bodies were pressed up against each other, his hair was disheveled and the bags under his eye were prominent. He gave a small smile and took the blade out of my hand just as quickly as I pressed it up against him. "What are you doing here?" I asked and took a step back from me. A flash of hurt danced across his eye but it left as quickly as it came. "We're here to rescue you." He said taking my hand. "Come on, we have to go now if we want this to work." I retrieved my hand from his sand started to shake my head. "No." I said in a serious tone. "I'm not leaving with you." I said looking into his eyes. I could tell he was taken aback but I wasn't going to leave with him when I was so close of unlocking all my powers.

"Riley, you're falling into his trap! This is exactly what he wants you to do! What happened to finding a way out of here and coming back to me?!" Adam was screaming now, people were still leaving but none of them were focused on what was going on around them. "Adam, it's too late we have to go." Jason spoke up and stood by Adam. I looked at Jason in disbelief. "It's too late? No! I'm finally at a place where I'm doing what I want! I can become more powerful than you would ever believe! And I'm not gonna let anyone come in the way of that." With that I stormed off and went to find Russell.

Jason tried to pull me back by my arm but I turned around and punched him in the face. He stumbled back to the floor and held a hand up to lip and looked back at it to see blood. "You really wanna do this?" Jason said standing up. I cracked my neck and took out my blade. Now this is going to be fun.

Hello hellooo, here's another chapter :) not gonna lie um it's a bit cringey or bad. I don't know how to write fight scenes and I wanted to do something cool but I have no idea if my pint got across haha so sorry for this chapter but I wanted to give you guys something and not leave you hanging again. Let me know what you think!

See you in the next chapter!

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