Chapter 39

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Emily's POV

The sun was hitting my face and I felt the comfy cushion begging me to stay a little longer. I heard someone whispering and as much as I tried to ignore them, I couldn't. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in my room. I looked over on the other side of the room and I saw Hailey speaking on the phone with someone with her back to me, I glanced at the small clock on the night stand and it read 9:30am. I didn't remember coming back to the room last night and I looked at the bathroom door to see if Skyler was there, but it was just me and Hailey. 

Well that's weird. Skyler's usually the one who hogs the bathroom by now.

I didn't think much of it and quietly got up from my bed. I felt something sharp shoot up from my neck and I winced in pain. "What the hell?" I muttered. I touched the spot where it hurt and another sharp pain shot up. I quickly went to the bathroom and pulled my hair to the side so I could see my neck. And there it was, a mark. At first, I didn't remember how I got even got a mark, and then, all the memories rushed back to me. My conversation with Tyler, the way he held me close to me and how tenderly he kissed me. He had waited for my approval to mark me and once I gave him the go, everything went black. Which explains, why I don't remember coming back to my room. Why was in my room? Skyler was mad at me and she had pushed me out of the room, I figured she didn't want me in here. I figured I'd just crash in the living room until the morning. 

I stood on the doorway and looked at Hailey. She had finished talking, but stayed on her phone. "Um, what happened last night?" She must have figured I was still sleeping because she jumped at the sound of my voice and put her hand on my chest. "Jesus Christ! Don't scare me like that!" She said. "Sorry." I said giving her a small smile while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "How did I end up here?" I asked again when she didn't answer my question. 

She put her phone down and sat crisscrossed in the middle of her bed. "You don't remember?" She asked with a confused look on her face. "Tyler brought back here after he found you in living room passed out. He was worried that you'd be uncomfortable so he carried you back to the room." She said nonchalant. My heart swelled up knowing that Tyler had brought me back here and kept last night a secret. "What about Skyler?" I asked as I glanced at her bed. It was strange not having her here, we never really got along but we always shared our mornings together. "She wasn't happy about it, but I don't think she wanted you to sleep outside." She said, I could tell she was hiding something. 

"So, where is she now?" I asked as I walked over to my closet to pick out a fresh set of clothes. "I don't know. I called her, but she wouldn't tell me where she is." I looked back at her and saw how worried she was. I put the clothes that I picked on my bed and sat next to her. I rubbed her back to try and soothe her, but I could feel how tense she was. "Hey, maybe she needed some time alone. I doubt she would be okay with Tyler coming in with me in his arms." I said in a soft voice. I may not be as close to Skyler as she was, but if Hailey was worried I was worried too. I had offered to help find Skyler after I took my shower and Hailey looked relieved to know that I'd be there for her. I had forgotten about my mark and had taken a hair tie that Hailey had and had tied my hair into a bun for my shower. "Hey, what happened to your- Oh my god." I looked over at Hailey and she had gotten out of bed and pointed at my neck. "Oh my god! You're marked!" She said in an excited voice. 

Oh, no.

"Who marked you?!" She said sitting down next to me and looking closer at my mark. "Um, you don't really know him." I said, hoping that she wouldn't put two and two together and realize that it was Tyler who marked me. "So, he's not from this pack?" She asked in confusion. I shook my head and hoped that she would believe me. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I could say. Hailey always saw through my lies, but I didn't want to tell her that it was Tyler because I didn't know if he even wanted us to be public. We hadn't really talked about how we would do this and I wanted to go over everything with him first before I told Hailey. "Well, spill the beans!" She said. "Let me take a shower first and then I'll explain everything." I said as I got up from the bed, picked up my clothes and made my way to the bathroom. 

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