Chapter 10

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I wake up to Adam's arm pulling me closer to him. I flutter my eyes open and I instantly smell his scent. I smile as I realize that I'm still in his arms. He buries his head in my neck and my heart starts to pick up the pace.

I lift my head up a little bit and kiss his neck. "Well, someone's awake." Adam says with his sleepy voice in my ear and my smile gets wider and my heart starts beating uncontrollably fast. "Morning" is all I can say without melting.

"Morning, princess." He says and kisses my shoulder, sending fire throughout my body. I don't know how at this point my heart hasn't leaped out of my chest. It's a miracle, really.

I yawn and untangle myself from Adam and I immediately regret doing it. My feet hit and cold floor and I stretch. I turn around and I see Adam smirking at me. "What?" I say and furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

I look down and see that Adam's shirt rode up and he can see my panties. I quickly put my hands down and try to lower his shirt, which is now my shirt, and stare in shock at him. I grab a pillow and throw it at his face but he quickly blocks it. "Adam!" I say and throw another pillow at him. "What? It's not my fault the view is great." He says smirking at me, he throws a pillow at me and it hits my face.

Well, I obviously wasn't expecting it. I grab the pillow that fell to the floor and put on my game face. "Oh, you're on." I say and throw the pillow at him. He tries to block it and I quickly grab two other pillows.

There were five pillows in total and for me to win I just needed three pillows. He gets up and grabs two pillows. He's on one side of the bed and I'm on the other side, my back facing the mini balcony.

He stares at me and I stare back at me trying to figure out my plan. I glance at the bed and notice that there's one pillow left.


The pillow I need to win.

I glance up at him and he glances up at me. We both need that pillow. He looks behind me and looks back at me. "Riley, look! It's a mockingbird!"

I look back and to my dismay there is no mockingbird. When I look back at him he throws a pillow at me and laughs. He's so close to grabbing that pillow. I react fast and throw both of my pillows.

A risk I had to take. That throws him a bit of guard and quickly jump on the bed and grab the pillow. "Oh no, you don't!" Adam says and I start laughing and start running around the room.

Well, there's wasn't much to run around but I did figure out that I could hide in his closet. I glance behind me and throw the pillow to his face. Just when I was going to open the door Adam arms wrap around my waist and he twirls me around.

I'm still laughing and he puts me down. I turn around and meet his eyes. We're both panting and trying to catch our breathes. "You cheated" he says, his hands still on my waist.

"Technically, you cheated. There are no mockingbirds here" I say and wrap my arms around his neck. "Well, it worked didn't it?" He says in a low husky voice.
I didn't realize that when I wrapped my arms around his neck my shirt, yes it's officially mine, rode up a bit and now his hands where touching my bare waist.

He was stroking his thumb across my waist and once again his touch sent sparks. If I die of a heart attack I'm pretty sure it's gone be because of these little moments.

I was still staring into his eyes and this time he broke the silence. "We should get ready, you gotta look for your clothes." He says and takes a step away from me.

Why, why must you do this to me? Why must thou step away from this special moment to look for my stupid clothes?

My wolf missed being in his arms. But I do needed my stupid clothes. It was Sunday, which meant that it was Emma's day out with Ryan. Which also meant that tomorrow was Monday, class.

I grabbed my jeans from when I first got here and looked at the clock. 12:00pm. Adam walked out of the bathroom, already dressed. "Ready to go?" He says.

I turn to him and nod. "We have exactly 3 hours. Emma's out with Ryan so we have until 3:00pm before they come back." I put on my shoes and we walked out the door.

We walked out of the pack house and get inside a car. Adam's car I assume. "So where's your pack house?" He asks as he turns on the engine. "Oh, me and Emma don't live in the pack house, way to crowded." I say. "When you get on the main road there's gonna be a stop sign. Turn left and keep going straight. There's gonna be an ice cream parlor and in that street turn right. A couple of houses down and we'll be there."

In 20 minutes we get to my house. We get out of the car and I look for the spare key hidden under a flower pot. I open the door and see that the house is still the same. Organized to perfection, not a hair out of place.

"Wow, nice house." Adam says looking around the house and looking the photos we have. "Thanks" I say, proud that me and Emma kept this place clean. "I'm gonna go upstairs to grab my stuff ok?" I say. I hear him say 'ok' and I enter my room.

I look around my room and it hits me that I won't be living here anymore. It's different for me. Adam's from another pack and when he turns into an Alpha I'll be a Luna. I can't be their Luna if I'm in another pack. For Emma it's different, Ryan's from the same pack. So she doesn't have to leave her pack.

I grab a spare backpack I had and start to put all my clothes in it. I grab Emma's blue duffel bag and start putting my shoes, toothbrush and all that stuff. I look at my dresser and I see the picture I have of my mom and dad before everything crashed and burned.

My eyes began to tear up but I quickly blink them away and put the picture inside the bag. I look around my room one more time to see I have everything. Once I'm done I sit down in my bed and see that my room is now empty.

I won't live here again. I won't wake up to Emma's threatening voice of her eating my pancakes. I won't hear Emma and Ryan make out while I try to eat in peace.

But a smile creeps up on my face when I realize that I'm starting a new adventure. With Adam. I'll wake up to have pillow fights with him. And hopefully he'll cook me some pancakes too.

I decide that I'll tell Emma about all of this tomorrow. I know she'll understand and hopefully she'll be happy for me too. I grab my bags and I go up to the door. I look at my room one more time before I head downstairs.

And that's when I heard it.

A high pitched scream.

And here's another chapteeeer!! I'm so excited! I came back with a long chapter so have fun reading it!

Thanks again to all my readers. Hit follow so you know when I update! See you on the next chapter!

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