twenty two

949 35 4

"Today, Peppa and her friends are at playgroup. It is playtime."

What the fuck?! Who is watching Peppa Pig?

"Here is Mr Bull."

I feel some sort of weight against my chest. I quickly open my eyes. Nola, the little kid, is watching Peppa Pig on the tv while leaning against me.

Oh right, I came to Julia's place after my fight.

I move a little bit, trying to find a more comfortable position without startling her. Nola turns to me. "I'm sorry. CC told me not to wake you but I really wanted to watch Peppa." She gives me a little pout.

"It's okay Mignonne. You didn't wake me."


She giggles. "My name isn't minion. It's Nola." I chuckle.

She moves her index finger towards my face to touch the little freckles on the bridge of my nose. "Your freckles are pretty."

I give her a smile, showing off the dimple in my right cheek.

"Thank you. Where is CC now?" She shifts a little bit.

"She went back to sleep after she came home. She had little purple spots on her neck." She giggles the most adorable giggle while saying the last part.

I chuckle along with her. "Did you have breakfast yet?" She shakes her head. "Why not?"

"Mommy says not to let CC in the kitchen or it will burn down and Masey said I can't wake mommy when she's sleeping because Masey said that she needs all the sleep she can get."

I sit up straight, while holding her back so she doesn't fall. "Let's make some breakfast then, shall we?"


I wake up from the smell of pancakes instead of nightmares this time. And I'm definitely not complaining. Did Mason come over?

I really can't think of anyone else that could be cooking in my kitchen right now.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, go to the toilet, put my lens in and put some concealer on my scar. Wait. River came here last night. Shit, I forgot all about him. He really thinks I don't know why he looked so busted.

I walk to the kitchen.

"How do you know how to braid? 'Cause Masey can't." Nola says.

I stop walking and lean against the wall. Nola is sitting on one side of the kitchen island while River is standing at the other side, braiding her hair. Never thought I'd see this. They look so cute together.

"Well Mignonne, I had a sister. She always wanted me to braid her hair and that's how I learned to do it."

I notice the past tense. He lost his sister. I can't imagine what that's like and I hope I never have to.

It seems Nola noticed too. "Where is she now?"

River sighs and stops braiding for a few seconds before continuing again. "She's an angel in a very far away place." He sofly smiles as if remembering something.

"Mommy said the same about our real mommy. Maybe they're playing with dolls together." Nola's face lights up and River chuckles before turning serious again.

"Nola, what do you mean with-"

I clear my throat to make myself known. River's head shoots in my direction as if I caught him doing something he wasn't supposed to.

Nola tries to turn her head but River stops her. "I'm not done yet, Mignonne. You have to hold still for a little while longer."

Nola frantically nods her head. "Okay."

River and I chuckle.

"Look what River can do mommy."

I walk to the side of the kitchen island that Nola is sitting on and give her a kiss on her forehead.

"I can see it Princess." I give her a smile before looking at River. "You made breakfast?"

He nods. "Basically the only thing I can do that has anything to do with household chores is cook. And I can make pancakes. My mom taught me."

That's kinda cute. "Did Charlie come home yet?"

River nods again. "She had all kinds of purple spots on her neck according to Nola here."

Nola nods with a smile on her face. "They were pretty. Can I have them too?"

I immediately shake my head. "No. Maybe never."

River chuckles. "I'm done with the braids Mignonne. Go look in the mirror if they're pretty enough." Nola quickly runs off.

"And what do you say to River?" I shout after her.

"Thank you River!"

We chuckle.

"So, you speak french huh?" I turn towards River.

"Yup. My grandparents on my mothers side are from France so it's kind of a given. Do you speak any other languages?" Yes, four.

"No, I had some french at an old school but that's about it. I know just enough to know you were calling her a cutie and not some swear word." I smile at him.

"We should probably start eating these pancakes soon. They'll get cold in a bit."

I nod and call Nola back. She runs back to us with a big smile on her face.

"Can I wake up CC mommy?" I smile at her.

"I think she needs her sleep. She probably didn't get much last night." Nola looks at me with a confused face.

"But you said she was having a sleepover."

River chuckles.

"I did say that. You know what, we'll just leave some for her."


River left about thirty minutes ago. Nola was trying to get him to stay but he said he had to be somewhere. It's good that he left. He should've never come here in the first place.

I have to stop myself from getting too close to people. They'll leave one way or another.


I still can't wrap my head around this morning. Julia and I were actually civil with each other. It was kinda weird. But not bad weird it was-

"River! Where's your head man?" Knight yells at me.

I shrug and continue punching the air with the weights. Knight apologized for not being there after my fight. He usually is but he said he had something else to do.

It probably had something to do with the company he's working for. Knight doesn't only train lone fighters like me, but he also trains people from some shady company.

It's not really a gang but it's just as powerful if not more. They trade in weapons and services. They also have a bunch of fighters like me which also makes them a lot of money. They have a legal side too, they have a lot of clubs and restaurants.

They are very known, all over the world, and they tried to get me to join them a few times but I refused.

I am better off alone.

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