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I swear I don't drink. Anymore. I used to drink liquor whenever I went to bed, so the nightmares wouldn't show up.

I was contemplating if I should take a sip or not. But then I saw Charlies drink, which she didn't finish. Stupid River. Why the hell did he ask that question. Everyone's eyes are on Charlie when she explains the 'reason' why I drank but I can feel Rivers' eyes on me. I give Charlie a grateful look before I look at him. He slowly lifts his cup and takes a sip.

Didn't expect that one. I clear my throat. "I'm going to get some more water." This time I just stand up and walk away.

Don't think about it.

Don't think about it.

Don't think about it.

I reach the kitchen and grab a still unopened bottle.

I unscrew the lid and take a swig. The liquid leaving a burning trail behind as I do so.

Fuck. I place the bottle back on the counter but I don't take my hand off it. I lean against the counter with my other hand.

I take another swig and turn my body so my back is now against the counter.

I am so deep into my thoughts that I don't hear someone walking into the kitchen. "I thought good girls don't drink."

"I thought stalkers don't reveal themselves." I take another swig. "What are you doing here Blue Eyes?" 

"Same as you." He takes the bottle from my hands and takes a sip before leaning against the counter on my right. His face scrunches up a little. I inwardly chuckle.

I take the bottle back and take a big gulp. "You act as if it is water." 

"Got a problem?" 

"No, it's hot." 

I roll my eyes.

We just stand in silence for a while. Just us and a bottle of whiskey.

The sound of Blue Eyes clearing his throat cuts through the silence. "So, cat huh?" He takes a sip. 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask almost defensively.

"I just find it hard to believe that losing a cat in front of your eyes makes you so.." I look at him. 

"So, what?" 

"You tell me. You came to the kitchen to drink." And then something occurs to me.

"But you did too." 

He looks at me. "Huh?" 

"You came here to drink too." 

His jaw tightens. 

"You took a sip too. You saw someone die too." 

He takes a sip from the bottle and keeps staring forward. 

"And you only took one as far as I know. Who died River? You gonna tell me about it? You know my story River, where's yours?"

He chuckles darkly but still isn't looking at me. "That's rich. YoU KnOw mY sToRy. I'm not stupid Julia. The look on your face was way too grateful for just a cat story." 

I grit my teeth when he tries to imitate my voice by making his own higher.

"Fuck you River." 

"Didn't take you for the kinda girl to be so upfront about it." 

Why is this guy so frustrating?!

I jank the bottle out of his hands and take a big gulp. 

"In your dreams bitch." I calmly state before taking another big gulp of the liquid.

"More like nightmares." He mumbles.

"I'll have you know that once you have a taste, you can't get enough. Or so some say." I say in a low volume with a soft grin on my face. 

"Is that so?" His voice almost sends shivers down my spine. But that's probably just the alcohol.

He turns his body to me while still leaning on the counter. "I find that hard to believe Julia." He says while slowly walking to the kitchen island in front of me and leaning against it. 

"What do you find hard to believe? That the only women who are willing to sleep with you do it out of pity?" I tilt my head and stick out my bottom lip in fake pity.

"No," He replies while stepping closer. "That someone would want to be close enough to you to kiss you." He stops walking, his breath hitting my face as he says the last word.

"What do you mean, close enough?" I lean in to whisper the last part into his ear. Almost making it sound as a separate question. "As close as you are to me right now?" 

His breathing quickens. 

"So close, that you can feel the other person's breath hit your face?" My lips graze his jawline as I move from his right ear to his chin.

I move back to his ear. "So close-" I don't get to finish my sentence as he slams his hands on top of the counter, grazing my hips on their way. I take in a sharp breath. His movement makes me lean back and I place my hands on his chest. 

"So close that you can almost hear their heart beating, if you try hard enough? That close, Julia?" He almost-whispers.

Oh, how much money I would pay to hear him say my real name in that voice.

As if he will ever know it.

He lightly presses his body against mine while tracing my jaw with his lips. Leaving a trail of soft kisses. I slightly tilt my head to the left to give him more acces.

He kisses my neck, my jaw and the corner of my mouth, anything but my lips. He stops his slow torture and pulls away. I open my eyes, immediately looking into his. His pupils are dilated and I don't doubt that mine are too.

"It seems that you like to be so close to me that-" He doesn't let me finish my sentence and slams his lips on mine in a hungry kiss.

I lift my hands to his hair and lightly pull, making him let out a groan. He wraps his arms around my waist, his fingers making circles on my exposed skin, leaving sparkles in their wake.

But that's just the alcohol talking right?

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