twenty eight

753 32 4

I walk back with some extra clothes for Julia.

"Here you go." I lean against the doorframe and throw the clothes at her. She catches them just before they hit the ground. Good reflexes.

"Thanks." She says and stands still as if waiting for something.


I give her a fake-confused face. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Leave. The fucking. Bathroom."

"No please?"

She sends me a glare and I hold up my hands.

"I'm going, I'm going." I turn around and take a seat on my bed, leaving the bathroom door open.

She walks to the door, glares at me once again and closes the door.

I hear the little click of the lock, indicating that she locked the door. I let out a sigh. No fun.


It's been almost 45 minutes. That girl takes long showers man, holy shit.

I hear the click of the lock again and look up from my phone.


I gave her the smallest pair of sweatpants I could find but they're still a bit big on her, making them hang low on her hips. The waistband of the pair of boxers I gave her as a joke - to see if she'd actually wear them - pokes out of the top of the joggers. She's wearing just a black sports bra on top making her toned stomach visible.


I clear my throat.

"Everything okay there?"

I nod, not trusting my voice right now.

She hufs out a breath in amusement and walks out of my bedroom door.

I scramble up from my bed and follow her. She acts like she fucking owns the place. What is that about?

When I finally catch up to her, we're both in the kitchen and she's drinking some water.

"Anything else your majesty?" I say sarcastically.

"Yes actually. Could you do me a favor and, I don't know, fuck off?"

I frown my eyebrows at her. "You're in my house. You fuck off."

"You know what?"


"I should fuck off." And with that she walks away again.

I am so confused. Is she even 100 up there?

I follow her to my room where she's making herself comfortable on my bed.

I clear my throat. "S'cuse me?"

"You're excused." She mumbles against my sheets.

Which I just put on my bed by the way!

I huff. "Move over."


"Move. Over. I'm not sleeping anywhere but my bed if that's what you thought. I don't mind a pretty girl in my bed once in a while." I give her a wink.

"Omg. You think I'm pretty. Oh. My. God! The River Phoenix thinks I'm pretty. I'mgonnafaint." She says in a whiney voice.

I roll my eyes and close the lights before walking around the bed to go lay down on her right. I put the blanket over my body and put my hands behind my head.

"You haven't denied it yet." 

What does she expect me to deny?


"You said I'm pretty."

"I didn't lie chérie."

She falls quiet and the corners of my mouth turn into a smirk. Gotcha.


Fuck. What's the time? It's still dark outside. I try to stand up to go get some water but something, no, someone is holding me back.

I don't remember inviting a girl over yesterday. My mind is still groggy from sleeping so maybe that's why I don't remember. I try to pry her arm off from around my waist and her head shifts a bit, making it possible for me to see her face.

Julia?! My eyes widen as all the memories from last night come back in a flash.

I make another move to try to get her off me but she's really holding on to me tight. I look down at her face that's pressed against my chest. The moonlight is lighting up her face and she looks so peaceful.

The way she's holding onto me is so cu- Gross. No. Nope. We're not gonna do that. Na-ah.


What the fuck was that?

I'll just go back to sleep. My mind is probably still a bit groggy. I'm sure that's it.


I jawn. That was one of the best nights I've had in a long time, or, ever. I open my eyes to look at River's face. I need to go. I unwrap my arms from around him - why did I wrap them around him in the first place? - and step out of River's bed.

What's the time? I look at his lockscreen. 4:23 am. I grab my bloodied dress and purse before ridding his house of any evidence that I was here.

I'm keeping his clothes by the way. His mistake for giving them to me.

I grab a hoodie out of his closet and put it on over the sports bra I kept in my white purse. Well, it used to be white.

I make my way out of his house and make sure to lock his door. Don't want another assassin hanging around here.

I grab my burner phone out of my purse and dial a number while I walk away from his house.


"Really? I thought you called me to pick you up from trouble, not on the way out of one of your boy-toys' house." He looks through the open window on the passenger side of his car while rolling his eyes.

"Really? You know I haven't been able to have sex with a guy since, you know." I open the door and sit down.

"Sorry. One of your girl-toys then."

It's my turn to roll my eyes at him now. I close the car door and fasten my seatbelt. "I wasn't out having sex after a mission, you know better of me. I was just at a, friend's, house."

"Why'd you put the emphasis on friend?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me before turning his attention back to the road in front of us.

"Ugh. It's nothing like that. He's more like an, I don't know, acquaintance."

An acquaintance that you kissed.

Shut up.

"Hmm, let's pretend I believe that."

I roll my eyes again.

"Is he hot?" He eagerly asks me.

I slap his upper arm with the back of my hand.


I give him a glare and he shuts up. I sigh in satisfaction.

God, I love being an assassin sometimes. 

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