twenty three

932 41 2

Sadly, the weekend came to an end. After River left, Nola and I watched some movies and Charlie later joined us.

I woke up from a nightmare about two minutes ago. Gotta love those.

I lift my phone to look at the time. 12:38 am on monday-

I freeze as I see the date. It's almost the anniversary of her death. It's almost been three years since he killed her. I ball my fists thinking about it.

No, don't think about it. I rub my temples. Fuck.

I- I need- I let out a groan. I need to calm the fuck down. I need some sleep. I really really need some sleep.

I can't, I-

I still have that one liquor bottle from-



No. You won't drink yourself to sleep again.

Homework it is.


I did my homework. I even went ahead and did the homework for next week. My inner nerd really comes out when I can't sleep.

I look at my phone again. 6:43 am. Let's wake up Charlie and Nola.

I walk into Charlie's room. "Morning sunshine!" I draw her curtains back and the sunlight hits her face while she stretches.

"Fuck you." I giggle at her response.

"No, you have a horrible breath in the morning."

"Otherwise you'd be down?" 

I roll my eyes at her and walk to Nola's room.

I softly open the door and peek through the little crack. "Nola, baby. Are you awake?" I walk into her room and to her bed. I kneel down next to the bed and look at the little angel laying on it.

I stroke her hair with my hand, removing some strands off of her face. "Wake up Princess. You need to go to school today." I give her a kiss on her head and with that she wakes up.


"Yes Princess?"

"Can I stay home and watch movies with you?"

I giggle a little and shake my head. "Sorry Princess. Is there something going on at school that makes you not want to go or do you just don't wanna go?" I stroke her head again and she shakes her little head.

"I just wanna watch movies with you and CC again." 

I smile. "It was pretty fun, wasn't it." I crinkle my nose while smiling at her.

She frantically nods her head, which makes me chuckle.

"C'mon Princess." I stand up and walk to her curtains. "If you wake up now maybe I'll take you to get ice cream after school." I open her curtains and I hear her little body throwing her blanket off her and running to our closet.

I smile at her and walk towards the kitchen. Time to make some breakfast.


I don't understand how teachers can be late without any consequences but they just love to give us detention when we're late?

Anyway, Ms Armstrong - who told me to call her Alice - hasn't shown up yet and it's been like 15 minutes. Everyone's talking and throwing stuff and what not. I've just been trying not to fall asleep. Imagine waking up from a nightmare and seeing the students and teacher looking at you like you're crazy.

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