twenty nine

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"No Mason, what do you mean someone was looking into me?" I tighten my grip on my phone, it can't be, right?

"We're going to find out who it was Luna, it'll be okay. No need to worry."

"Well, I am worried. You can't just tell me stuff like this and expect me to not get worried." I refrain from biting my nails and turn around again. I've been pacing through this empty classroom sinds he said someone looked me up on the internet.

"I know, and I'm sorry but I thought you should know."

"Thank you for telling me."

"Of course. I'm here for you Luna. As more than just your boss, you know that. Will you be okay today?"

"I know that. And I'll be fine, I am fine. Charlie's here anyway so it's fine."

He chuckles a little. "I get it. Everything's gonna be fine. I just wish you the great that you deserve."

I smile a little. "Thank you Masey."

"I'll call you when we find out more okay?"


"Bye Luna. You're gonna be great."

I give him a soft "Bye." before hanging up my phone.

Fuck's sake. Someone's been searching me on the internet. Love that, especially today.

I put my phone back in my bag and walk out of the classroom. Charlie texted me they were gonna be by the ping pong table so that's where I'm headed.


Wade, Vincent and Amelia found some ball and are playing some game called 'around the table' or something. I didn't bother to listen to the rules so I have no clue what it is.

Charlie is laying on the ground with Veronica. Veronica has her head on Charlie's stomach and they're rating the teachers. Not at how good they teach but at how good they think they'll be in bed. Yes, that is as disturbing as it sounds.

I don't know where Julia is though. She left before I woke up again this morning. Left no trace of her. She really is something else. I tried to find her on the internet. An instagram account, facebook maybe. But I found nothing. Nothing. It's like Julia Williams doesn't exist.

I grab my cigarettes and lighter out of my pocket and light one before putting them back. I inhale one and throw my head back when I exhale.

I can't wrap my head around that girl. I haven't seen her in school today either. Charlie said she just had to make a phone call and after she'd come here to spend lunch with us.

I take another drag and my thoughts get interrupted by Veronica's laugh. I look over at her from where I am leaning against the wall. She looks happy, Veronica. Charlie better be careful with her cause I'll-

Someone takes the cigarette out of my hand and leans against the wall on my left. I don't recognize her at first but it's Julia. In an all black outfit.

She takes a drag of my cigarette and lets her head fall against the brick wall behind her, eyes closed. She blows out the smoke while I give her a glare.

"That was mine."

"River, look at me."

I do. I take her in, from her black clothes to her closed eyes.

"Does it look like I give a single fuck?" She says it slowly, like she wants to make sure every word she says gets through to me. Like I'm some fucking kid.

"No it doesn't. What is up with you anyway? Are you going to a funeral or something?"

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a little butthurt that she left so early this morning. Maybe I shouldn't have said that though.

Her eyes snap open and she pushes herself away from the wall and takes a few steps so she's now standing in front of me.

"You think you're funny River? Newsflash: you aren't. Now, leave me the fuck alone. Don't come knocking at my door with your little injuries and don't go prying in my life. Keep to your own sad one."

I try to keep up my poker face while she says all this but she always looks like she can look into your soul so I don't think it worked.

"Oh, cheríe. I really couldn't care less." I bring my face a little closer to hers. "It's cute you think I care about your pathetic life."

Her eyes shoot fire and I try not to gulp. Charlie is just in time with pulling her away. I don't know if she could hurt me if she tried but it looked like she really wanted to.

"Luna!" Charlie warns while looking at Julia's face. Julia however, is glaring at me.

"Hey Charlie, you might need a tighter leash for that little bitch of yours."

Charlie gives me a disappointed look and she lets go of Julia while shaking her head. "You did this to yourself."

I give her a confused look. Amelia and the guys stopped playing a little while ago and are now watching me.

I look back to Julia and find her storming towards me. I give her an amused grin. What is she gonna do to me? Flick me on my forehead?

My face suddenly explodes in pain and my head flies to the left. What the fuck just happened? My face scrunches up in pain and I lift my hand to the place next to my eye that she just hit.

"That hurt."

"Good, that means it worked."

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