Insert My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone here

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TW: This chapter features god complexes, attempted suicide, and bones breaking, if any of these things make you uncomfortable PLEASE do not read any further.)


Raihan was sitting on the roof of the house, he was doing his daily livestream for his fans. He was staring at the view, he looked at the camera,

"Hey... you think I can fly?"

His fans just thought he was kidding around, of course he couldn't fly, he didn't have any kind of power like that. So they responded with,

'Yeah! Of course you can.'

'You're basically unstoppable, so you probably can.'

'Yeah! Probably! Lol!'

Raihan stood up,


'What's he doing?'

'Is that idiot actually going to try to fly?'

He walked to the edge of the roof, the comments were flooding in, screaming  all sorts of things. People who just joined were asking what was happening, other people were screaming at him not to jump, while others were telling him to jump, that he will be able to fly. 



Raihan jumped off the roof.

At that moment... Raihan realized... He wouldn't be able to save himself. 

Raihan crashed into the ground, there were loud cracks from one of his legs and a rib.  

Everyone ran outside, seeing Raihan laying on the ground, in pain. Milo picked him up,

"Someone call the Sky Cab- H-He needs a hospital!" 

Kabu nodded and called one, Raihan was taken to the hospital. 

When they went to the hospital, Raihan's wounds were treated, the doctor who treated him walked out to the group,

"Raihan needs to rest a little, but he can have visitors tomorrow."

Melony nodded,

"Yes, yes, thank you very much for your help."

"You're welcome ma'am."

They started to head home, Piers looked back, Milo patted his back,

"Are you ok, Piers?"

"Yeah... I'm fine."

That night, Piers laid awake in bed, he couldn't sleep, his mind was racing.

Why did Raihan do that? Was he not happy? Did he do something wrong? Did he upset Raihan? Oh god- what if he pulls this again? What if he dies?! He can't let that happen...

Piers shook his head and mumbled,

"I need water... I'll talk to him tomorrow."

Piers walked downstairs and went to get water, he saw Allister, sitting on the couch,

"Couldn't sleep kid?"

"...Not really."

Piers sat next to him, they talked throughout the night. 

The next day, Piers threw on a sweater, sweat pants, and his boots. He ran to the hospital and visited Raihan. 

Raihan turned his head,

"Piers! You're visiting me? And this early?"



"Why did you do that- there's no way you could've slipped- you had to have jumped- why did you jump- did I do something to you?"

"Woah woah- Piers- calm down... You didn't do anything to me..."

"Then why?!"

Raihan breathed,

"I... wanted to try to and fly."


"I mean, well, I felt like I wouldn't get hurt and that it was possible, and my fans said I could, so I trusted them."

Piers looked confused,

"They said it was... possible?"

"Well... yeah! They called me unstoppable and said I could!"

"Did they- tell you to jump?"

"Some did."

"I uh see. God I'm not good at this- but all I can tell you is to try and use common sense. I'd recommend talking to a therapist about this kinda stuff."

"Right... Piers- I'm sorry-"

"It's- fine... Just don't do that again- please."

"I'll try not to do that again, I'll go and look up a therapist."

Piers smiled, and looked at his phone,

"Hey... I got a multiplayer game on my phone... you wanna play?"

"Oh you're on!"

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