Emotional Bede stuff 2 electric boogaloo

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Bede was fast asleep in his bed until...

The door slammed open, "RISE AND SHINE, WOOLOO HEAD!" Raihan yelled. 

Bede woke up immediately and fell off the bed, "Ow... Raihan do you have ANY  idea what time it is and what did you call me--"

"Hey don't blame me, Melony said I had to wake you up."

Bede stood up, rubbing his head, "Well NEXT time don't give me a heart attack!" 

"Well some people are gonna be coming over later, so we gotta go shopping now."

"Ok ok, I'm going to get ready, be patient!"

Raihan left the room. Bede sighed as he put on his coat, he looked at the table and there was his golden watch...

THAT golden watch. 

Bede grimaced and stuffed the watch into his pocket. He walked out of his room and soon they all left to go shopping again, same groups as last time.

Gordie was looking through the curry ingredients, he was completely distracted. Bede was standing not too far from Gordie, he was just messing with a random doll he found, until someone bumped into him and he fell over. Bede groaned and sat up,

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there-- oh, Bede! What a coincidence."

It was Rose. THE Rose. The same Rose who despite giving Bede gifts, probably didn't give two shits about him. Rose held his hand out, Bede slapped it away, and stood up, "Oh, so NOW you remember my name?!"


"Don't 'Huh' me! I heard you! You didn't remember my name, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and when I walked away... you called that trainer by their first name. I WAS THE TRAINER YOU ENDOURSED AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO REMEMBER MY OWN NAME."

Gordie looked over and ran to Bede and grabbed his shoulders, "Hey hey! Kid, calm down, let's just walk away, there's probably another stand that sells curry ingredients--" 

Bede pulled away and clenched his hands into fists, "Just because you gave me things... I thought you cared. I wanted to make you happy, I WANTED TO SEE YOU SMILE AND YOU JUST... threw me away... and don't say you didn't know that I was an orphan. YOU went to the orphanage and gave me my Pokémon."

Rose reached towards Bede, "Bede, I--"

Bede pulled away and screamed, "DON'T TOUCH ME. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE."

Bede pulled the watch out from his pocket, "Take back your stupid watch." He threw the watch onto the ground, stomped on it, and kicked the crushed remains towards Rose, "Now leave me and my family ALONE." 

Rose walked away slowly, once he was gone, Bede fell to his knees, trying not to cry. He felt something touch his back, he looked up and saw a girl with black hair and pigtails, "Are ya ok?"

"Um... yeah, but... have I seen you somewhere before?"

Gordie sighed and patted the girl's shoulder, "This is Marnie, she's Piers' little sister, and technically the gym leader, I don't really know the details."

Marnie nodded, "Yeah, I had to go for a few days 'cuz of Team Yell, they're outta control sometimes." She got a better look at his face, "You're Bede right?"

"Y-Yeah, why?"

"Piers told me about ya, and told me that if Rose ever shows up at the doorstep, to slam the door in his face or kick his butt!"

Bede chuckled, "I don't think that'll happen."

Marnie held her arm out, "C'mon, let's get the other stuff and meet up with the others."

Bede nodded, grabbed her arm, and stood up, "Ok... Let's do that..."

The three bought the rest of the ingredients and bought some ice cream to make Bede feel better.

Once all of them met back up, they went back home, Opal took Bede outside for some training. While in the middle of said training, there was a loud roar in the sky, "Um Opal what was that?"

"Oh that? It's just Leon."

"Are you sure?"

"Well I'm probably right."

Suddenly a Charizard landed in between them, the champion, Leon, stepped off of it, "I'm here!" He exclaimed. Bede tilted his head in confusion, "Why's Leon here?"

Leon turned to him, "Oh, you must be the new kid I've been hearing about! I like to stop by this place sometimes!" He turned to Opal, "By the way, I brought my brother with me."

As if it was planned out, Hop jumped off the Charizard, "Hi--"

Hop and Bede stared at each other, Leon nudged his brother, "Uh Hop, is something up?" 

"I don't really want to talk to him right now..."

Leon nodded, "I get it, hey uh how about you two go inside, you don't  have to hang out, but I'm gonna talk to Opal for a bit, kay?"

Hop and Bede walked in the house, glaring at each other.

Leon sighed, "Something must've happened between them... Hop is never like that..."

"Perhaps, it might have been before Bede was taken in, he wasn't... the best, to say the least, but he's much better now."

"Oh! I got an idea! What if I take em to hang out in the forest nearby?"

"That may work, do you need a map?"

"Nah, I think we'll be fine!" 

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