Avery and Klara are here now

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Bede and Marnie rode the flying taxi to the Isle Of Armor, Marnie looked around,

"Nice view..."

"Yeah, I guess. Why are we even here?!"

"That's a sudden question."

"Shut it."

"I think we're just kinda lookin around... that dojo looks cool."


She pointed at it as they passed it,

"That dojo."

"I'm not blind. I didn't know it was a dojo."

They landed and walked out of the station.

There stood a pair of people, a girl with curly shoulder length pink hair, with a bow, she wore the poison gym uniform with a fluffy white jacket and a boy with extremely long blonde hair, the psychic uniform, round glasses, a black tie, and black stockings.

Bede tilted his head,

"Um hey?"

The boy spoke,

"Oh you must be the new students for the dojo..."

"Uh listen dumass, we have NO IDEA what you're talking about."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

The girl rolled her eyes,

"Just tell the truth kids. You wouldn't lie to adults right?"

"I absolutely would--"

Marnie stepped in,

"We ain't here for the dojo, bucko." 

"Wait- That accent... are you related to a certain dark type gym leader?"

"I am the gym leader. My brother retired."

"And who IS your brother?"

"Uhhh Piers? Do ya not know 'em?"

"Takes a while for news to spread here, sweetie."

"Riiight... so your name?"

"Well sweetie! I'm Klara and this is my bestest buddy Avery!"


"Right. I'm Bede and this is Marnie."

The two hung around, ignoring Klara and Avery.

Later, when the two were home, there was a knock on the door, Melony opened it,

"Ah hello there! You two must be the new ones here! I am Melony, you are?"

"I'm Klara!!"

"And my name is Avery."

"I'll introduce you to the others, the rooms will take a while to be ready so you'll need to sleep on the couch, if that is ok."

"Of course."

She went up and saw Bede and Marnie,

"Ah! How about you introduce yourself to the new ones?"

Bede squinted,

"New ones?"

"Their names are Avery and Klara."

"We... met them earlier."

"Well maybe you can help show them around! I will be there too."

"I guess..."

While Bede, Marnie, and Melony showed them around the house, occasionally, Klara and Avery would act in a way, example, one of them lifting Raihan's phone out of his hands, using some kind of magic, to a point where he couldn't reach, causing him to knock over the TV.

Later, at night, Avery snuck out of the house and didn't come back in until around 5 AM. 

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