Time for getting alonging

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Hop and Bede sat on the sofa on opposite sides, not even facing each other. Leon walked to the two and smiled, "Hey guys! Dinner is gonna take a while, you guys wanna hang out?"

Hop stood up, "Do we have to hang out with him?" He pointed at Bede with his thumb, who noticed it, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well for one, you're a real jerk."

"At least I'M actually strong, unlike YOU!"

"Says the trainer that was disqualified!"

"Don't you dare--"

Leon stood between them, "HEY! HEY! Break it up! I think you guys just need fresh air, c'mon." He grabbed the two by the wrists and took them outside. 

They walked around and soon headed into a forest, Leon had told them to be careful since some pokemon wander around that area.

Suddenly a wild Golett appeared, Hop's eyes lit up, "WOAH! A Golett! Maybe I can catch it!"

Bede rolled his eyes, "Please, you'll still be weak either way."

"I didn't ASK you, Bede." 

"Well I was just stating facts."

"YOU don't know if it's true or not! I could be way stronger than you could ever be!"

"Knowing you, it's probably true."

Hop gritted his teeth, he was too angry to control himself, he shoved Bede to the ground, "SHUT UP!"

Bede glared and stood up, "Oh really? Do you just want me to battle you to prove how weak you are?"

"How do I know you aren't the weak one?! YOU DESTROYED A PIECE OF GALAR HISTORY! And all for what? Some attention?!"

Bede clenched his hand into a fist, "YOU DON'T  UNDERSTAND!"

The Golett got scared by all the yelling and used Shadow Ball out of fear, it hit the ground, causing it to crumble below Bede, he fell, Hop panicked and grabbed Bede's arm, "I got you!"

"What are you doing?!"

"Helping you--"

The ground crumbled under Hop, "Uh oh--" Hop fell down.

Leon ran to the cliff and reached to Hop, but he was too late, he couldn't see them.

Hop and Bede kept falling, until they crashed into the ground. Bede stood up and patted his jacket, he wasn't hurt badly at least, the worst injury was a scratch on his face that was bleeding a bit.

Bede looked over at Hop, who was unconscious, he had a large wound in his arm, his head was bleeding slightly too. 


Hop groaned as he started to sit up, gripping his head, Bede looked over to him, weirdly, he wasn't wearing his coat, "You're awake."

Hop nodded, "Yeah, uh where's your coat?"

"I took it off, and hung it on the tree over there." Bede pointed at the tree behind him, Hop's  eyebrows raised, "Did your sleeve rip when we fell?"

Bede shook his head, "No, you were bleeding so I ripped my sleeve to use it as a bandage."

"You actually helped me?"

"Hey, I'm not soulless and your brother would set me on fire with his Charizard if you came back bleeding out."

Hop giggled, "That sounds like Lee alright."

The two looked up in the sky, Hop stood up, "It's getting dark, we should fine Lee."

Bede stood up, "Let's go then."

The two wandered the forest for a while, until Bede stopped, looking to the side. Hop turned around, looking at Bede, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Bede charged in the direction he was facing, Hop ran after him, "Bede! Where are you going?!"

Bede stopped and stared at what he ran to. There was an Eevee, it had a scar on its hind leg, and it was tied to the tree. It looked at Bede and shook in fear, Bede's eyes widened.

Hop caught up to him, "Bede! Don't run off like that--" He looked at the Eevee and gasped, "The poor Eevee..."

Bede walked over to it and crouched down, "It was... abandoned... we should take it with us." He untied it from the tree and held it in his arms. Hop nodded and started to look around, "Yeah, we gotta find a way out, it can't be too hard!"

The two walked around the forest even more, Bede groaned, "It feels like we're going in circles." He sighed, "None of this would've even happened if I didn't open my big fat mouth... Now we're stuck in the middle of some random forest where we might die..."

He started to cry and he sat down in the dirt, "Whenever I have a plan... SOMETHING goes wrong... it isn't fair... Why... why can't my life go my way FOR ONCE?!" 

He shut his eyes as his tears streamed down his face, he felt something on his face, he opened his eyes, and saw the Eevee trying to clean his tears. He smiled, "I guess we're in the same situation, right Eevee?"

Hop sat down next to him, "Hey, don't worry! We'll find a way out! Lee always told me, if something goes wrong, to never give up! And I'm not letting you give up!"

Bede chuckled, "You're always talking about your brother, hm?"

"Well yeah, he is the champion. It's pretty cool... but sometimes I feel like I'm dragging him down, especially when I remember what you said."

"Sorry about that..."

Hop smiled, "It's fine!" He patted Bede on the back, "Hey um can I ask something?"

Bede nodded and Hop took a deep breath, "What did you mean when you said 'we're in the same situation' to Eevee?"

Bede looked at the Eevee which fell asleep in his arms, "This Eevee... was alone when I found it... and I was alone for almost all my life... and when I met Rose... I felt like he was my family, he gave me so much but when he left me... I was alone and I realized that he didn't care, he never asked how I was doing and at times, he even forgot my name..."

Hop hung his head low, "I was always kinda suspicious of that guy, even if he runs the league, he just seems kinda off, you know?"

Bede nodded, "Yeah..." 

The two sat there talking for a while, until they fell asleep. 

Later, Leon rode on his Charizard, looking for the two, he eventually spotted the two sleeping and scooped them onto the Charizard, flying back to the house.

Leon opened the door, "I got them!" He called out and Melony ran over to him, "Ah! Thank you so much, Leon." She took Bede into her arms, she noticed the Eevee asleep in his arms, "Oh! He found an Eevee! How nice."

Leon smiled, "Well! That's pretty cool! I'm gonna head back home, Hop's probably exhausted, sorry bout this by the way."

"Oh it's alright, I should've expected this with your navigation skills."

Leon left and Melony placed Bede in his bed, she took the Eevee and bandaged its scar. Melony placed the Eevee on a spare pillow in Bede's room, she smiled, "You are a bit  of a handful aren't you? But I'm glad you're here." She walked out of the room and closed the door.

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