time for ship 2

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The train arrived in Wedgehurst, Hop grabbed his hand,

"My house is this way! Follow me!"

"You grabbed my hand!! I have to follow!!"

Hop dragged Bede to his house, "Ta-da! Welcome to my place!"

He opened the door, "Hey mom!"

Hop's mom walked over, "Hop! I see you're happy." She giggled, "I'm guessing the confession went well?"

Bede blushed, "M-Maybe..."

"You must be the one he confessed to, I'm Hop's mother, and you are...?"


"Ah! What a nice name, I'm afraid you two missed dinner, I do have leftovers! Tell me Bede... do you like spicy pasta curry? It's Hop's favorite!"

Bede smiled, "I love spicy food."

She handed him a plate of spicy pasta curry, "Enjoy!"

The two walked to the table and ate the curry, Bede's eyes lit up, "This is really good!"

Hop laughed, "I'm glad you like it!"

Bede finished his portion quickly, he stared at Hop's plate, who slid it between them, "Let's share!!"


Bede smiled, one of the few times Hop's seen Bede's smile... a genuine smile. The two finished Hop's portion and placed the plates in the kitchen. 

"Hey Bede! Let's head to my room!"


They ran up to Hop's room, Bede looked at his bed, "Your bed's a mess!"

Hop rubbed the back of his head, "Hehehe... yeah, I'm terrible at making my bed..."

Bede walked over to the bed, "Well I'LL make it!"

He pulled the sheets over the bed, smoothed them out, fluffed his pillows, and placed them on the bed,


"Woah!! That's great!! Thanks!"

"Well I had to make my bed everyday so..."

Hop hugged him, "You don't need a reason why."

"Oh... so what do we do.. as a couple? I've never really done this before so..."

"Me neither! I think it's like... friendship but more?"

"Oh... I see you have a TV.."

"Yeah! I'd watch Lee's battles on this all the time! Well now I just watch reruns sometimes... wanna watch one together?"

Bede nodded, "Sure."

Hop scrolled through until he found a good battle of Leon's, "Here! This one is one of my favorites."

Bede watched the battle, he yawned and leaned onto Hop's shoulder,

"Hey Bede, if you're tired, I can let you sleep in my bed."

"Y-You're ok with that...?!"

"Yeah! I normally sleep a bit later anyways."

Bede yawned, "Ok..."

He took off his coat and hung it on the end of the bed, he climbed into Hop's bed and fell asleep. Hop turned down the tv volume and binged Leon's battles until he got tired. 

Hop stretched, "Man... This was a good day!"

He changed into his pajamas, but then, he heard... whimpering?

He turned around and saw Bede, curled up into the blankets, whimpering. Hop ran over to him and shook him, 

"Bede? Wake up!"

It took a little, but Bede woke up in a shock, tears were starting to run down his face. Hop gasped,

"Bede! Are you ok? What happened?"

Bede was crying, he just hugged Hop. He rubbed his back, trying to soothe him, "It's ok... tell me what happened."

Bede sniffed,

"Everyone left me... Melony... O-Opal... You... I was alone... e-everyone hated me.. You hate me right...?"

"What? Of course not!"

"You... said you did..."

"Exactly... 'did' as in I used to. I don't anymore... why would I want to date you if I hated you?"

"G-good point..."

Hop pulled away from Bede, "Well, I guess I'll sleep on the floor--"

Bede grabbed his arm, "N-No...!"


"Don't... leave me..."

"You want to sleep in the same bed?"

Bede nodded and Hop crawled into the bed next to him. Bede scooted closer to him and cuddled up to Hop, who hugged back, they fell asleep together. 

Leon walked into the room, he took a picture of them and sent it to Raihan.

Bede woke up in the morning and heard his phone vibrate, he slipped out of bed and checked it. There were several text messages to him from everyone, just teasing him about having a boyfriend. 

Bede covered his face with his hands in embarrassment and just crawled back into bed, he laid there and smiled, mumbling, "I could get used to this..." 

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