The end... or is it?

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Nah, it's the end, I just wanted yall to feel a bit sad 😃👍

Izuku POV

We are in our 3rd year now and I think Shona, Shoto and Izuku have redeemed themselves, Inko is working on it but Toshi is the same as always. We got out from our class and headed to the gym to change, we were on our way to the internships, I had mine with Suneater, he was the part of the Big 3 when he was in UA, like me. The current big 3 are Me, Ayaka and Denki... Yes, he now has a lot of control over his quirk and can even be as fast as lightning, he is also the only one who can defeat me because of his speed, though it's very rare for him to actually win. We have duels every week and currently the score is 34-36 in my favour

I made my way to his rather new agency, he was very experienced and overall, a good hero since he prioritized rescues over head on fights, Kirishima is also interning at the same agency as me and Ayaka has her's with Hawks. Eri usually stays with her grandpa and grandad, Mic and Aizawa respectively. I had adopted her and she was legally my, now, 7 year old child.

I was also thinking about proposing to Ayaka for our marriage once we graduate and only one month was left. I went to Suneater's agency and entered "Yo Kitanashi" and he waved back with a smile, he was the most goodhearted receptionist I have ever met

(A.N. Kitanashi is not needed in the story so don't be sad if you forget him)

He explained that Suneater was in his office and I nodded while walking there, I had my provisional license since my first year so I could technically go on my own but Suneater was needed to say a secret word to Nezu whenever I showed up so I couldn't skip

I entered his office and caught 3 Knives with my hands, from the handles of course and saw Suneater behind his desk with Muirko ahead, she smirked "Sup kid" and I waved a bit before going to a very scared Suneater "Hey Suneater, let's go on a patrol" and he weakly said "W-we can't, W-we are supposed to have a-a joint patrol t-together. You c-can go off on your o-own today" and I nodded happily, but I didn't show it.

I jumped out the window, but not before I heard him shriek and look out the window, if course I had made a perfect landing with a quirk called 'God's feet' I basically had Slow Falling from Minecraft whenever I wanted. I was on a patrol when I heard a store getting robbed, I ran there and looked inside and saw 5 armed men with hostages, one of the hostages had a bomb strapped to then, I quickly analysed the place, 3 men were hiding behind the counter, ready for a firing competition and one of them was overlooking the hostages, the last one was grabbing whatever he could, the store was a jewelry shop and the owner was inside it, considering a man was showing the robbers all the drawers and had all the keys to the drawers

I sneakily made some sand go inside and then took out on of the guards that nobody saw, then another and another one, all three of them were unconscious now and they were the ones hiding. The man overlooking the hostages shouted "Hey Armin, anything suspicious?" And got no answer, he looked back and saw 3 unconscious bodies and 'Tch'd. He looked back and I saw him pointing his finger at one of the hostages, I made the sneaky sand plug the hole in his finger and he shot but his finger blasted, he held his hand and screamed in pain, the last one turned around and I recognised him as
'Crystal' a new villain who was a part of the Eight Precepts of Death, the organisation led by Overhual. He looked back and turned his hand into crystal and held the owner who shivered in fear. A purple haired boy cake out and asked "Excuse me, who are you?" To Yu (<Real name)

He made a disgusted face and foolishly answered "Im-" and got brainwashed, by the now recognised Hitoshi Shinsou, he was in 3-B and had transferred in B in his second year. I sighed and came out from behind my hiding spot and thanked Hiroshi, he waved it of and we met the owner. He offered us any one thing from the store, no matter how expensive as a thank you gift, Hitoshi got a necklace for his mom of around $600 and, because I was thinking of proposing, bought a ring for around the same price

(A.N. I do not live in USA or UK so I don't know how much money is expensive, don't hate me)

I patrolled some more till my time was done and Suneater called me. I went to the agency and signed out, changed into normal clothes and walked back home. I went to my dorm and layed down, waiting for something to happen. Luckily, Eri came back from her studies with Nezu early today so I could play with her a bit more. Ayaka came and I asked "Hey Aya, wanna go on a date?" And she smiled with sparkles in her eyes and nodded. She trusted all of UA now and the pro-heroes too, whom she met that is, but still wasn't every good in public alone. She, then, asked "What about Eri?"

I sighed and said "I'll leave her with Shoka and Izumi". Did I mention those 2 were dating? No? Ok, well now you know. And Ayaka agreed with a smile

Timeskip, when they are on a beach

We had went to movies, then a 'fancy' restraunt and by that I mean drive-through of McD. We sat on the beach after I layed down the towel and started our meal. After a while I sighed and looked at Ayaka, who was staring at the huge moon. I started "Hey Aya" and she turned to face me and asked "What's up?". With that, I continued on a knee "Ayaka Fukisaki, we have been dating for over 6 years now and these have been the best 6 years except when you weren't with me. I'm not good at these romantic and long talks so I'll get straight to the point.... Will you marry me? I mean, we ARE of legal age" and tears started to form in her eyes, I didn't know if it was a good sign or a bad sign so I said "Too early?" And she shook her head and answered

"Yes" duh, whaddya think? This is a fanfic, of course she would say yes

(Hey, No breaking the fourth wall)

Whatever. Anyway, we kissed and bla bla bla, happily ever after

The end

Words: 1180

No, this wasn't going to be extra long JUST because this was the last chapter so Bye Bye, see you in the next book probably

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