Chapter 44 : Saviour

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Asch's POV

It has been a while since she left. I had threw her behind all the things in my head , she ain't something deserve to be remember. But those knights of mine would suddenly spill out her name once a while.

Every single time , I warned them not to call out her name , just in case those memories flooded my head , giving me disturbance.

Until this day....

I was dressing up in my chamber but then a great morning was disturbed by a urge knock on the door.

"Ugh , come in." I was then greeted with a random guard around the castle. "Prince Asch , your father would like to meet you at the throne room." "Noted , you may dismissed." The guard bowed and left me , playing with the white pendant on my wrist.

I swear , I would never let it go....

As I reached the throne room , greeted with my annoying brother and father , I'm also greeted by a relatively shocking news. "Asch , Rhal , the Dargons had declare a war with us. And I want you two to work together and defeat them." "But I thought the war was after a few suns. They brought it earlier?"questioned my stupid brother. "They only seen this as a game , but to us , a fact of the actual ability of our warriors on the war."

Father has a point.

"We'll be back victorious for Daemos,  Father." "Better don't embarrass me , my sons." He then dismissed us to prepare ourselves for this game of strategy. While walking to meet my brother who's probably waiting for me at the gates , I met Leif who just passed by.

"Going for a small war with the Dargon?" "What do you want? Just spill it out already." I said with completely annoyance. "Say hello to Yue if she's on the battlefield." "I ain't hoping to speak but how many times should I mention not to talk about her in front of me?" "You're a actual heartless man. Don't you actually felt worried about her?" I mocked him with a cold laugh. "Oh please , it's only you who had a fond over her. Don't pull me into this pit." "Just...say hi for me." He said full of sorrow and shyness in his tone and left.

I groaned for his disturb and get to the gates as fast as I could before my stupid brother Rhal tackled me by hooking his arm around my neck.

And....he did...

He still f***ing tackle me. I freakin request him to cut out before I did anything I wouldn't dare myself to. "Brother! What in the Daemos took you so long?!""Just some issues from my knights but I'm sure they could handle it." "We gotta go now , the Dargons were probably turned into stone if we took that long." He joked and we start off our way to the battlefield.

As we arrived , I can clearly see that rows of Dargon warriors standing I'm front of a Dargons who dressed exact same as me. "Woah , did I just saw a twin of yours , brother?" "Cut it out , Rhal. Remember whatever Father said." I felt disgusted when I had any eye contact with that man.

"Dargons , hear my command!"

"Daemos , as I command," Rhal followed the prince of Dargons.

"Attack!" Both of them yelled and yells from each side echoes the atmosphere.

I couldn't underestimate a stamina of a Dargon , they had better stamina than any Daemos on the battlefield , especially me. They could fight well and flying had become an advantage of theirs to attack us.

I managed to dodge away from every single arrows , every single shot but not every push by some Dargons. They kept on pushing me to the edge of the cliff , causing me almost fell off.

Until a Dragon of theirs pushed me over with its claw , making me fell off from the cliff. My eyes widened when I fell over and the thought of losing crawled in my head.

That thought fully flooded my head until I felt a lift of my body , letting my feet landed on the ground safely. I turned and found a shadow flew across my head quickly.

She flew down , knocking off some Dargons , pushing some over the cliff. She even grabbed a spear that was grabbed by a Dargon , flung him over and stabbed several Dargon. I could clearly seen the prince of Dargon growled angrily and announced retreat.

The warriors of Daemos and my brother yelled for victory while I saw looking for the shadow. She soon descend from the air with her wings folded behind her back. She had feather covered wings , vines wrapped around her horns , a red mask covering her appearance. She seems wearing a tight black outfits from neck to toe. She had her hair tied to a bun.

She looked at us , kneeled down for respect and soon flew out of my sight , into the sky.

Who is she....

Could it be.... the girl of my dreams?...

She's back?...

"Had a crush on our saviour , Asch?" "I couldn't even see her face , what make you think so?" I glared at Rhal aggressively , making him announce for return.

Yue's POV

When I woke from bed , I had just realised that I was in a random chamber in the royal palace of Dargon , which was quite making me shock in the first place since I wouldn't slept for that long.

After cleaning myself up , I walked out of the chamber and found her grace with some servants accompany walked pass my chamber.

"My grace." "Well , good day , Yue. Seems you've slept longer than usual." I scratched my head for awkwardness. "Relax , dear. Besides , Ambrose isn't back from war , you have a lot of free time by now. Why don't you join me to my chamber , we could've have a talk." I nodded and followed her grace to her chamber.

We indeed have a long talk about everything until a seamstress walked in with several dresses in his grip. He said it was for the ceremony but he didn't actually elaborate it. "Ugh , any of these design get any better- Yue,  why don't you try this for me , it seems fit you well." Her grace said while handed a folded outfit to me.

As I was about to deny for keeping that , Bai just snatch it over and pushed me to change. That's probably her grace's orders. I only could sigh and change this.

I walked out and received some compliments and hugs from Bai. "You look amazing , Yue!" I looked at my decorated self with the mirror. Long sleeved crop top , golden shade and a ruby attached , golden band was wrapped around my arms ,  a grey cloth was tied around my waist , a black tulip skirt and leather made shoes to my knees.

"Her highness , your son had returned!" A guard just bust in , announce for his highness's return. "Noted , thanks." , and the next second he left , her highness whispered into Hei's ear , "Assassinate him." Well, he did deserve it for no manners.

"Mother." "My son , who did this to you?" Her grace rushed to his highness , touching his cheek full of worries. "Ugh , I failed you , mother. There's a Daemos who attacked most of the warriors , causing them to injure. I disgraced you...." Her highness wiped his tears away and caressed his cheek.

"You've never let me down , son. You had Yue as your trainer now. She will give you the best training. Now , I believe I should leave you to rest and call a healer." "My grace , can I try something?" I quickly interrupt her grace from calling a healer.

She nodded and I walked to his highness , putting my hand on his scarred back and start using my magic to heal him. His back was soon covered with my black mist and the scarred back soon was healed as the mist flowed back to my fingertips.

"How did you-" I felt a string of pain and fell into darkness.....

The Survivor with The Tudor Rose In Her Hand (Asch X OC)Where stories live. Discover now