Mon Cher (Oneshot)

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Angel’s POV:

    Alastor and I ran through the forest.  Gasping for air as I stumbled on the gnarled roots.  Regardless of my fatigue, I ran faster, not daring to look back.  A loud bang sounded through the area.  I heard a thud behind me.  My pace slowed as I looked behind me.  Alastor was lying on the ground.  “Al!”  I ran back and grabbed him by the arm.  I wrapped my arm around his waist, letting him lean against me for support as we picked up speed. We had slowed significantly due to Alastor’s injury.  He had been shot in the leg.  Blood trickled down his foot.  More gunshots sounded, closer than last time.  

    By then, our attackers were only a few feet behind.  Running had become difficult, Alastor was trying to keep his weight off of me, but with his bad leg, there was only so much he could do.  Tears were falling from my eyes.  We couldn’t be caught, if we were caught they would kill us.  I would never have the chance to tell him- “Anthony, it’s okay, we’ll make it out of this.”  he only called me Anthony if he was in trouble, or needed reassurance of some kind, but it seemed he was giving me reassurance.  I took a deep breath and nodded.  I picked up the pace as best as I could.  We had to get out of here alive.
    A bullet whizzed past my ear, more missed us by just a bit.  I heard Alastor grunt, as I bullet hit him in the back.  Unfortunately, my lack of focus caused us to trip.  Alastor and I were sprawled on the ground, “Please... no... don’t kill us… please…”  One of them kept their gun trained steadily on me.  The other pointed their gun straight at Alastor’s chest.  And before I could anticipate anything, he shot.  Alastor grunted in pain.  “Leave him.” the man who shot Alastor said, “He’s worthless.”  They walked away. 

    Alastor’s breathing had slowed, it was shallow and raspy.  I crawled over to him trying to help in any way I possibly could. “No, no, no, this can’t be happening.  Please tell me this is a dream!” I sobbed.  “Angel, mon cher… this isn’t a dream…”  He looked me in the eyes, “Everything will be alright.”  “But it won’t!  You can’t die... not now…” Alastor grabbed my hand, “My time has come.  Nothing we can do will prevent me from going.”  Tears welled in my eyes. “There must be some way I can do something!  I don’t want to be a worthless assistant anymore.  I want to be helpful.”  Alastor chuckled weakly, “You’ve always been helpful darling…”  He squeezed my hand.  “Your eyes are quite beautiful.” he coughed.  I brought his hand to my face. “You’re beautiful, Angel.”  I laughed, “Alastor, there’s been something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

    His smile faltered slightly, “What is it?”  I took in a deep breath to keep myself from crying.  “Ever since you let me stay with you, I’ve felt something… Something I didn’t know how to describe. But every time I saw you, my heart would race,  I-I would get nervous.  I would always worry I was gonna fuck up what I was saying.”  Alastor’s smile returned, “I didn’t know what I was feeling… But now, in the worst of times, I realize, I love you Alastor.”  Alastor pulled me into an embrace, “Mon amour, you haven’t been the only one feeling this way.”  He chuckled. “You’re the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on…”  My eyes stung, I didn’t want to lose him. He was the best thing that had ever happened to my life.  “Don’t cry Angel, you will be okay.”  I pulled out of the embrace.  “I don’t want to let go…”  “I know my love, but sacrifices must be made.”  

    I gazed into his eyes, they were almost closed, he seemed pained.  He gently caressed my cheek.  He inhaled sharply and broke into a coughing fit.  “I will always love you.”  And suddenly he kissed me.  At that moment it seemed like my surroundings just disappeared.  I wrapped my arms around him, leaning into his body.  I wished that this wasn’t happening.  I wished that he didn’t have to go.  He pulled away, smiling.  “We’ll meet again, Mon cher…”  His breathing stopped, his body went limp.  I shook with sobs as I pulled his body close.  “Please wake up, please wake up…”  I sat there for the rest of the night like that, holding him close, like my life depended on it.  I didn’t know what to do with the body.  I couldn’t physically carry him back to the house.  He was just dead weight and it would be impossible.  And so for the rest of the night, I held him.  ‘We’ll meet again, Mon cher…’


(A/N: This is actually the first oneshot I ever wroteI know it's depressing, but that was what I was in the mood for.  It is based off of the song at the beginning of the chapter.  If you're here because your waiting for Insane, idk what to tell you, I'm working on the next chapter, but the problem is... I have no idea what I'm doing.  So sorry about that, anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, Peace Out
- @PJOfan10042 )

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