Close Call

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(TW: Discussions of drug use and overdose, death)

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone gathered around Anthony as his breathing became more labored. Alastor had called Molly, Audrick, and Cherri when he noticed Anthony's condition worsen. Everyone had arrived by now and his condition didn't appear to be getting much better, in fact, he looked close to death. Molly was clutching her brother's hand, as she cried softly into his side, Audrick was sitting beside his bed with a hopeless and sad expression. Cherri had left the room to smoke a cigarette, although she wouldn't admit it, she was close to tears, and could barely handle even looking at him. Alastor was pacing the room, occasionally looking to Anthony, his concern only growing. His frown deepened, as Anthony's breathing almost came to a complete stop. Molly was shaking with grief, Audrick was beginning to get antsy, and Cherri was close to tears. Alastor was a different case, however. He seemed to be seething with anger, Audrick being the only one who noticed this. He held out his pack of cigarettes, offering one to Alastor. He swiftly took one and pulled a lighter out of his pocket.

Alastor stepped out onto the front porch, Cherri following close behind. He took a drag of the cigarette, trying and failing to keep his tears from falling. Cherri looked down at her hands, "You know... When he was still living with his dad, this happened a few times." Alastor briefly glanced at her, before giving a 'Go on...' She took a deep breath, "When he was an addict... There were a few times when he'd overdo it, he'd go into comatose for a while, before bouncin' back and actin' like his old self." A tear started to roll down her cheek, "One time it got really bad. I ended driving 'im to the hospital, Molly was sobbin' and prayin' for him to be okay..." She chuckled sadly, "About a week after he was moved to the hospital he woke up, and kept tellin' us he was okay, and that we didn't have anything to worry about." Alastor listened intently, he was aware that Anthony was an addict, and it had stayed that way until a few months after he had met Alastor, but he didn't know how bad it was.

"That was the first time I really thought he wasn't gonna make it..." She looked at Alastor, "I'm really, really glad you were able t' get him off of that road. I don't think he'd be here if you didn't." Alastor nodded sadly, when he and Anthony had met, neither of them were in the best places of their lives. Alastor's mother had just passed away and his kell streak was higher than ever, whereas Anthony was a drug addicted sex worker while also working for the Italian mafia. They had both managed to bring each other up from the dark places they had previously been in, and made each other happy. And now, thanks to Alastor, Anthony might not live through this. Alastor blamed himself completely for Anthony's condition, if only he could have protected him, or even stopped the whole thing from happening!

Alastor found it difficult to keep his tears in any longer, his eyes became glossy and slightly red. Cherri, despite barely being friends with Alastor, wrapped her arm around his shoulders, in a kind of side hug. She patted his back a few times, as a few tears began to fall from her eyes as well. The two may have been barely acquainted, but Anthony was a very important part of their lives, Cherri having stuck with him for over a decade, and Alastor almost bringing him completely out of depression. Anthony meant the world to Alastor, and if he lost him... he didn't know what he'd do. But judging from Anthony's ever-worsening condition it wasn't likely that he would make it. Alastor was genuinely scared, this was nothing like his mother's death, sure her death was unexpected, but there was nothing Alastor could have done to prevent it, in this case, there was so much Alastor could have done to stop this from happening.

He and Cherri stood there for a few more moments, before a shout came from inside the house that caused both of them to jolt. "CHERRI! AL!" The two rushed inside and to the room that Anthony was in. Cherri stared at his lifeless body, his chest unmoving. Alastor began to panic, frantically looking around for something, anything that could possibly save him, but to no avail. Molly clutched onto his body, tears falling down her face as she cried out, Audrick trying to give him chest compressions. "Dannazione! Tony, resta qui, per favore fratello!" Alastor's tears were falling at an alarming rate by now, when he noticed a shadowy figure in the corner of the room.

It slowly began to take shape into a cloaked skeleton, a hand held out towards Anthony. At this particular moment, something overcame Alastor, whether that be anger, or instinct, but as soon as he had processed what he was seeing, he proceeded to punch the figure in the face. A loud crack and then a thud sounded as the figure fell to the floor. Alastor stared in shock at what he'd done. He stared at the thing on the ground, thinking this must've been the form of Death, that or a cosplayer with some stalker-ish tendencies. He decided on the former, as Anthony gasped and shot up from his place in the bed.

Molly was the first to react, practically tackling him into the bed. Everyone in the room had similar reactions, all but Alastor. He stood there for a few minutes, just processing what had happened. His eyes brimming with tears as he looked at Anthony. Their eyes met, and the tears finally fell. He rushed to Anthony and wrapped his arms around him in a tight embrace. He gave him a small squeeze as Anthony hugged back. "Don't ever do that again." Anthony gave a weak laugh, "I don't plan on it, Smiles."

(A/N:  I asked what to write, and yet again @AngelTeaofFanfic came to my rescue.  Anyways, that's all for now!)

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