As The World Caves In (Oneshot)

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 Nuclear war. A looming threat that had been dragging on for a while. Of course, very few had actually believed it would actually happen. But when the alerts and sirens started blaring across the world, mass panic broke out. Families held each other and prepared for the inevitable, friends called each other and made sure they knew they were cared about and loved. And lovers lay with each other in fake acceptance, hoping survival was an actual option.

Alastor had accepted the idea of death long before any of this had happened. But the sudden fear and melancholy racked his body regardless. He didn't know why. It wasn't like he had felt fear about this before. He assumed nothing catastrophic would happen. That he would be okay. That Anthony would be okay.

In a panic, he searched for his phone desperately, trying to speak to his lover at least one more time. He tore through sheets and blankets, pulling up cushions and knocking over various appliances.

And then his phone rang from somewhere in the kitchen.

He dashed toward the sound and fumbled with the device before finally answering and putting it to his ear.

"Al! Al, are you okay?" Anthony's voice emitted from the small speaker. "I'm okay now, love. Is it possible for you to get here?" He asked, breathing becoming slightly labored. "I'm at the studio, I won't be able to make it there in time," his lover said, audible sobs ripping from his chest. "Stay on the phone with me, love," Alastor said. His eyes wide, smile gone and posture slumped. "I'm scared, Al," Anthony almost cried out, his breathing unsteady and shallow. "I am too cher, just stay with me, it'll be all right." Alastor wasn't sure if he believed himself, but he would do anything to calm himself and Anthony.

A broken cry erupted from Anthony's mouth, "How is this gonna be okay? I don't wanna die, Al, I don't wanna die!"

Alastor then did something he didn't think he could do anymore. His face twisted into a slight grimace as tears fell down his face.

"I know love, but it will all be okay. We'll be okay." He swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly slumped down into a corner. The sirens seemed to become more apparent as a small notification made itself known. BALLISTIC MISSILE LOCKED IN. DETONATION IN ONE MINUTE. Shuffling could be heard on the other line, "I could try to come back, I can make it," Anthony said urgently, "Anthony-" "I can make it in time, it'll be fine, I'll get to see you..." "Anthony, no, we don't have much longer," he said quietly. "But I have to try! I have to see you again, I-I have to!" He was almost screaming now, his sobbing loud and choked. "We only have thirty seconds left, love. You can't make it." Alastor was trying hard to keep his composure as quiet sobs racked his body.

Fifteen seconds...

"No, Alastor, don't say that, I have to..." he took a deep breath. More shuffling.

Ten seconds...

Alastor thought about what the future could have been. Dates. Pillow talk. Reunions. Maybe even marriage.

Nine seconds...

He thought about what they had. A small apartment in New York. A steady relationship. Those little moments when they'd stare into each other's eyes, like nothing else existed. Just them.

Eight seconds...

He thought about what they'd been through. Good and bad. The death of Alastor's mother. Molly's wedding. The fights over ultimately meaningless things that ended with the two ignoring each other for the night before an apology the next day. He'd give anything to relive it all.

Seven seconds...

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Six seconds...

And exhaled.


He just wished he could let Anthony know just how much he loved him.




"I love you..."


"So much..."



A click. And a blindingly bright flash. Alastor dropped the device. A small smile placed itself on his face despite the heavy tears. And then nothing. Complete utter nothing.

And before his heart stopped completely, and his body disintegrated into nothing, he had one final thought.

I hope you understand how much you mean to me...


So, I know what you're probably thinking: "Bambi... what the FUCK?"  And... same, I can't believe I actually wrote this,  I full on sobbed while writing this.  But the point is, I wanted to write a life threatening situation that would 1) Make me and hopefully you guys cry.  And 2) Make a somewhat wistful and slightly romantic moment.  

Anyway, I should probably explain where I suddenly got the idea to do this.  And the answer to that is: a 700 word oneshot called the exact same thing I named this just in all caps and on ao3, by the author WUTBOIWHOISDIS.  So: AS THE WORLD CAVES IN by WUTBOIWHOISDIS.  I would suggest reading it, it didn't have the same shipping element that this has, but it still is incredibly sad.  

I hope you guys enjoyed this, it pained me to write it, but it was fun.

I wish you all well,


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