Ch. 16

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Sam's POV.

It's the next morning after Nathan and I mated with Macy, I just couldn't stop smiling. I keep remembering how Macy felt under me how her lips were so soft and her moans sounded so divine.

I'm out with the pack warriors at to border of our pack lands. Trevor informed me that they saw Amber and some rouges out there. Nathan, Trevor, and I are patrolling the south side while the other warrior wolves patrol the rest of the woods.

"So, Saturday is the ceremony for you and Macy Trevor says through the mind link."

Hell yeah, I'm so ready to be alpha and I'm so excited for Macy to be my Luna we both are really excited to lead the pack I say.

I can see Macy being a great Luna Nathan says and I agree.

I snap my head to the right and I see 4 rogue wolves coming towards us I quickly mind linking the rest of the warrior wolves to come to us for backup.

One was circulating me snapping his teeth at me while I studied him, to see how I could rip his throat out.

He lunches at me going for my back leg but I was quicker than him and moved away so I lift my paw to him and scratched him on the side of the head. It growled in pain so I took that as an opportunity to bite him and rip his throat out killing him instantly.

I look out to see if there was any more, but Trevor, Nathan, and the warrior wolves have defeated them too.

Out of nowhere, I hear Maggie's mind linking me.

"Sam I don't know how but Macy's gone."

"What do you mean she's gone I say frantically."

"I mean there was a commotion and we were all trying to break up the fight. And when we came back and we tried looking for her she gone then we found a note from Amber."

"We're on our way I said breaking the link."

I quickly mind link Nathan and Trevor about what was happening and I took off towards the packhouse as fast as my legs could run. I could hear Nathan and Trevor right behind me. when I see the packhouse. We make it to the end of the woods, as we shifted back to humans we grabbed some  basketball shorts we stored in the trees.

We race into the house to see everyone standing there with worry look in their eyes.

"Son before we do anything you got to calm down."


I understand Sam, but you and Nathan cannot do anything until you guys calm down.

I take a couple of deep breaths, and turning to NathanI see him  doing the same.

"Now that you are calmer. Trevor do you or your parents know  by any chance know where your sister could have taken Macy."

Um, I don't know but I could ask my parents if they know something I don't he says leaving to talk to his mom and dad. 

Nathan's POV.

I want to run out of the house and go find Macy myself, but I don't know where the hell to start looking for her so I stayed waiting for Sam to decide on what to do.

Macy's POV.

I woke up in a dark room with no windows just one door. I felt this throb on the back of my head so I reach back to feel my hair sticky. I pull my hand back to see blood on my fingertips, and that's when everything comes back. Two of Sam's pack members started a fight and as I was about to go out to break it up Amber comes from behind me and hits me in the back of my head and I pass out.

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