Ch. 1

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Macy, we got to leave to the airport now my mom yells from downstairs I'm currently in my room seeing it empty because all my stuff is in the moving truck. Yeah you heard right my dad got a new job in Portland, Oregon therefore, I'm leaving California, my friends, and the house I grew up in and it sucks big time.

I grab my purse and take another look at my old bedroom as I walk out I close the door and descend downstairs where my mom and dad are waiting at the front door with some of our luggage. Honey we need to get going come on, I didn't want to say goodbye to my friends because it would be too hard, so with one last look at the house, we walk out and into a taxi, and off we went to the airport.

We made it to our gate and sat down cause there were 15 minutes until we board the plane then I see Ashley, Madison, and Bella coming towards me. You really think you could leave without saying bye to us Madison asked? Yeah, Macy Ashley says and Bella nods her head. I'm sorry, it was going to be too hard to say goodbye I say tearing up a bit, then look at it as a see you soon Bella says smiling. "You think we wouldn't come to visit you" come on now Ash chuckles.

Flight 62 to Portland, Oregon is now boarding the intercom says.

We're going to miss you so much Madison says coming up to hug me, I hug her back feeling tears falling. We pulled back and see that we are both crying, I turn to Bella and she gives me a bear hug "Bella can't breath" she then loosens the hold on me and I hear her crying which makes me start to cry again. We pull away and kisses me on the cheek I smile and turn to Ashley, I hug her and like Madison and Bella I hear sniffling and I know she's crying I cry harder because Ashley and I have been best friends since kindergarten. I'm going to miss you so much, but as you said just see it like a see you soon I say wiping my tears.

Last call for flight 62 to Portland, Oregon the intercom says.

"Come on Macy it's time to go my dad tells me". Face time us when you get to your new house Madison says. Alright, guys group hug I say, and we all hug I love you guys so much. We let go and I grab my purse and started to walk into the tunnel, I look back and waved at them they waved back and the doors closed.

We find our seats and I sit on the chair closer to the window. I get my earphones out and my phone. When the plane takes off I put my earphones on and play Spotify and put my playlist, I lean head on the back of my seat and I don't know when I fell asleep.

Two hours and 15 minutes later

"Macy" I feel someone shaking me, I slowly open my eyes and see my dad leaning over me. Sweetheart, we're about to land put your seat belt on, I stretch my arms and then put my seat belt on.

4 minutes we finally descend on the ground and we got out of the plane. we went to the baggage claim and wait to get our suitcases. When we get them we walk out of the airport and hail a taxi. My dad tells the taxi driver the address to our new house and he took off.

An hour later

We enter a neighborhood with really beautiful houses. the taxi stops on I'm guessing our house and we get out and while my parents get the luggage's I enter the house, and Oh My Gosh the house is huge on the inside. I quickly run upstairs and see five doors.

I enter the first door and it's a light blue bathroom I close the door and go to the next door, I enter the next door and see a bedroom the walls were a light pink color, then I go to the next door and it was another bedroom but it was grey color, I go to the next and another its bedroom but this one was a  purple color I leave my purse in the bed finally choosing this as my room, I go to the last door and enter it seeing it was the master bedroom for my parents.

I go back to the room I chose and see my suitcase in there, I see a door to my left and opened it to see a bathroom. It's beautiful. "Macy come downstairs the moving truck is here" I hear my mom say.

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