Ch. 14

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Michael Trevino as Nathan

The next morning Mads, Bella, Ashley, and I get ready for school but before we head to school I drive us to our new favorite coffee shop named Tito"s cafe.

We enter and get in line to order.

Hi, welcome to Tito's, what can I get for you, the guy behind the counter asked?

I'll have a vanilla sweet cream cold brew with two extra shots of vanilla please and a chocolate chip cookie.

Okay, that'll be $13.84.

I handed him 20 dollars and waited for my change.

I stood to the side to wait for my order. The girls then ordered theirs as well. When our order is ready we grab it and head back into my car and drive to school.

We finally make it to the school and I park my car and we get out so we could meet up with the gang. I head to my locker to put my backpack in it since the school doesn't start for another hour.

I finally head out to the garden and see Sam, Nathan, Maggie, Trevor, Madison, Bella, Ashley, Gaby, Carlos, Tracy, and Brandon sitting under a tree so I head over to them.

I sit next to Maggie and start to drink my coffee and eat my cookie.

Now that Macy got her memory back when are you taking over as alpha, Brandon says.

I don't know, I'll have to ask my dad Sam says.

We stayed under the tree until the bell rang indicating the first period is going to start. We all got up and went our separate way. Of course, Sam and Nathan walked me to my class because they were cautious of Amber.

I'll see you in Mason's class I say giving them both a kiss on the cheek, then I enter my class.


I'm heading to Mason's class when someone pushes me into the bathroom and I see Amber and two of her friends.

I don't like to see you all lovey-dovey with Nathan let alone Sam so my girls here are going to hold you down while I make you forget you ever met them Amber says with a sick smile on her face.

The good thing I remember that I could mind link Sam so I try to mind-link him.

The convo/ mind link

Me: Sam can you hear me?


Me: Sam please I need you.

Maggie: Macy what's wrong?

Me: Oh thank goodness, Maggie Amber got me in the bathroom she says she's going to...

End of mind link

I got cut off when I felt a sting on my cheek. I look up and see Amber laughing at me she then pushes me to the ground and begins to kick me in my stomach and then my ribs. I then feel her kick me in the face, I can feel blood dripping down my face.

Finally, I hear the door to the bathroom burst open and before I pass out I see Maggie and Ashley come in and push her away.

The last thing I hear is Maggie calling my name.


I wake up to a beeping sound next to me and when I open my eyes I see that I'm in a hospital room.

I can't believe she got the guts to pull that shit again I hear Sam yelling.

I try to sit up but the pain in my ribs makes me groan and lay back down on the bed.

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