Ch. 5 pt 2

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Macy's Pov.

As we get in Sam's car I could tell Bella was nervous because her last girlfriend broke her heart so I know she going to be cautious of Maggie because she doesn't want to get hurt again.

We got to Applebee's and Sam told the waiter a table for four and the waiter said to follow him. He set four menus down and said that our waiter would come soon. We sat down and Maggie was whispering something to Bella and I see her face turn a light shade of pink.

Hi, I'm Sydney and I'll be your waitress, what kind of drinks would you like she asked?

I'll have an ice tea with lemon, please Maggie says.

I'll have water with lemon please Bella says.

I'll have water with lemon as well I say.

And I'll have a Dr. Pepper Sam says.

She nods and walks away to fetch our drinks.

So when are you heading back home Sam asked Bella.

I leave Sunday morning I just got suspended from school for a week.

I laughed shaking my head at her typical Bella.

What did you do Sam asked when the waitress came back with our drinks.

We paused our conversation to order, what would you guys like to eat the waitress asked.

I'll have the 8oz top sirloin I asked and she wrote it on her notepad.

I'll have the classic bacon cheeseburger Sam says.

I'll have the shrimp N Parmesan sirloin Maggie says.

I'll have the chicken tenders platter please Bella says.

Ok, we got one top sirloin steak, one classic bacon cheeseburger, one shrimp N parmesan sirloin, and one chicken tenders platter she says then walks away.

Anyway, I got suspended because I got in a fight with Carly she said.

Again really Bell I say to her.

What she's a bitch she says.

Who's Carly Maggie asked?

She the popular girl in my old school I say, when I was there I could always clam Bella down but now I'm here.

You knew she had it coming Bella says.

"Why," Sam asked?

Carly used to be our friend but Macy dated the guy she liked then she started hanging out with the popular crowd and started bullying her she finished says.

When she finished talking I look down at my hands when I heard a low growl coming from Sam.

Before he could do or say anything our food came.

We started to eat and talking forgetting the last conversation and just had fun.

When we finish we asked for the check. Here I say giving Sam 40 dollars but he put it back in my purse. Please let me pay I say but he shakes his head and doesn't argue with me.

When we pay we all stand and exit the restaurant and got back into the car.

So where are we going Bella asked from the backseat?

We're going to the pier Sam says driving towards the beach.

It takes 45 minutes to get there. We all get out of the car and head to the ticket booth to buy our waistbands to get in.

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