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Trevor wolf is on the top^^^

We all finally sit down in a booth and uncle comes to serve us. Hey kids what will you guys be drinking today?

We'll all have waters Sam says, and everyone agrees. He nods and goes to get them.

So Madison what's your favorite movie I hear Trevor ask her, she tells him it's Harry Potter and Trevor makes a face, hey don't hate Harry Potter Bella, Ashley, Madison and I say at the same time.

Sam's uncle comes back with our waters and then we ordered.

Maggie ordered a bacon wrap with sweet potato fries.

Bella asked for potato cream soup with garlic bread.

Madison ordered the same as Bella.

Ashley ordered chicken tenders with a side of fruit.

Trever ordered a medium-rare steak with French fries on the side.

Sam ordered the same and I scrunch my nose up at how he is going to eat it.

I ordered the same as Ashley but with sweet potato fries.

Adam nods and goes back to the kitchen.

So that guy is your uncle Ashley asked?

Yeah, his my mom's younger brother but he got a girl pregnant when he was 18 but she didn't want her so my uncle decided to rise my cousin on his own he says.

Oh, so was wrong with you're cousin when we walked in she acted wired she asked.

Oh, nothing she's fine Sam says as Gaby comes back and puts our food on the table, and when she reaches Ashley's side I see her take a deep breath before leaning over placing her plate down.

I see Ashley shiver when Gabby accidentally brushes her elbow on her shoulder.

I look at Sam and see how Ashley reacted to Gaby's touch and I hear him say to me through mind link, "I think Gaby is changing her mind about how her mate being a girl" he says.

I nod and began to eat, I look around the table, and everyone talks and laughing I'm so happy my friends get along with my new friend and it's great.

So let play rock, paper, scissors to see who pays the bill, girls vs boys I suggest.

Okay, let Sam and Macy do it Bella says and we all agree and Sam smirks at me.

Rock, paper, scissors shoot Trevor says.

I do scissors and Sam does scissors as well, we go again and I do paper this time, and Sam does scissors again and I lose. Trevor high fives Sam and they do a little dance, sorry baby he comes up to me and he leaves a soft kiss on my forehead.

Since we lost Bella, Ashley, Maggie, Madison, and I got our wallets out and put the money together and I get up and head to the cash register and pay the bill.

when I get back everyone gets up and we walk out. Sam, Madi, Ash, and I get into the car and wait for Maggie so she could follow us back to Sam's house to watch a movie, but before we could drive away there is a knock on my window, and see Gaby standing there.

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