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It's Friday and it's my date with Sam and I'm nervous. I'm walking down the hall with Maggie by my side as we head to the lunchroom for lunch. We wait in line to grab our food and she asked.

Are you excited about your date tonight?

I'm more nervous but excited as well I tell her.

Why don't I come over to your house and help you get ready she said looking eager to help me?

Yeah, sure, we get our food and walk to the table where Sam and Trevor are with three other people sitting there.

As we take our seats Sam looks at me and gives me a wink I look down at the table and blush. I don't know why every time Sam winks at me I get shy and get butterflies in my stomach his does things to me and I don't know why.

Hey, Macy, do you want to walk to Geography class together Sam asked?

Yeah, I say eating my lunch that consisted of "pizza, tatter tots, and water" I hate school food I swear they want to poison us.

I can't wait for your date later it's going to be so fun just you wait for Sam whispers in my ear making me shiver as his hot breath fanned my neck.

I can't wait, where are you taking me I asked?

I was thinking of mini-golf and going to my uncle's restaurant to eat dinner and then I'll drop you off at your house how does that sound.

I smile that sounds amazing I say and make a bold move and gave him a kiss on his cheek. By the way, Maggie is coming over to my house after school. She wants to help me get ready for later so I'll get a ride from her today okay.

Since I moved to Portland and met Sam his been giving me a ride to school and drop me back at home as well, Sam such a gentleman and every time we touch I feel tingle go through my body and don't get me started with how perfect his features on his face is. Dark brown hair I can imagine running my hand through it and how soft it would be, his soft hazel brown eyes, his lips look so kissable, and I don't need to see him shirtless to know he has a six-pack.

I feel someone tapping at my shoulder as I come back to reality I look to my left to see Maggie smirking at me.

You should take a picture of Sam you been staring at him for like 10 minutes straight she whispered.

I blush any way I want you to meet Tracy, Brandon, and Carlos are our friends since we were kids she introduced. Tracy and Carlos are brother and sister. Tracy is in 10th grade and Brandon is Tracy's mat- I mean boyfriend.

Nice to meet you guys I say smiling at them, you to Luna Tracy says.

Tracy shut up Carlos whispered/yelled at her.

Why did she call me Luna I turn to Maggie but she's looking anywhere but I and the same goes to Trevor so I look at Sam waiting for him to answer.

I-I Its a joke we do to people who are new to the school Trevor answers for him.

Yeah, it's a joke we do whenever someone new starts school here Sam says.

I didn't believe him but let it go as the bell rings saying lunch was over, I get up to throw away my food. Sam was at the entrance waiting for me to walk to our next class.

I am sorry about Tracy she likes to prank people especially new people who start school here.

I nodded as we entered the classroom, we take our seats in the back and when the class started I listened to the teacher.

An hour and 30 minutes later

We were heading to our last class when I feel some touch my butt and slap it. That's when and I'm not kidding I hear a growl behind me and in a flash I see Sam pinning the guy on the wall and I know this time I'm seeing correctly Sam's eyes are a bright yellow.

I Have Two Mates?! (Werewolf story)Where stories live. Discover now