Chapter 1

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Yibo chuckled " Sorry isn't going to solve what happened ! " Zhan blinked confused on what to do " Then what should I do ? " he asked in fear, Yibo smirked " I have an idea " . Zhan looked at him curiously to listen to what idea he had, Yibo grinned " It's simple I make you my slave " Zhan rolled his eyes, he didn't even bother to say anything and went back to his lab work. This made Yibo even more angrier and he held Zhan's wrist making him forcefully turn towards him. Not really caring much about Yibo, he kept his test tubes and looked at him, he sighed crossing his arms " Can you tell me what have I done, that you want me to make me your slave ? " 

Yibo chuckled " Ah~ You want act as you don't know about it good try " Yibo clapped his hands mockingly, Zhan rolled his eyes and went back to his lab work. Yibo hissed and held Zhan's wrist " Oii ! I'm talking to you ! " Zhan sighed " Look I have work to do, I have lot of research work on progress and I certainly don't have time for your guessing games " Yibo sighed as he rolled his eyes, for him Zhan was a really big irritating moron who was the reason why he never got a girlfriend and his attitude certainly wasn't making the situation good " Fine I'll tell you, eight years ago I proposed a girl and she said she liked and made fun of me for liking her and then today I proposed a girl once again and she said she liked " Zhan shrugged " So ? " 

Yibo sighed " You see the pattern here ? I am single because all the girls I wanted to propose were in love with you ! " he said crossing his arms, Zhan opened his cupboard and took a pair of surgical gloves and started wearing it " From what I observed is this doesn't have anything to do with me ... " Yibo raised his hand to object but Zhan continued to speak " Yes I know those girls liked me, but I never said I liked them, to love someone or not to love someone is solely one person's choice and moreover as you can see you are choosing a wrong to fall in love with " Yibo raised his hand once again to object but he didn't have anything to say as he felt that Zhan was right.

" Can you move over ? " Zhan asked as he had to get some sample and Yibo was blocking the way, Yibo then came back to senses and realized that he as still angry with Zhan, no matter how much his words made sense he still stole all his chances to be in relationship. As Zhan stood by the table choosing his sample, Yibo blocked Zhan from behind by placing his hand on both side of the table so that Zhan wouldn't move " I don't care, I still am making you my slave and would take my revenge " Zhan sighed at Yibo's word and shook his head, he turned around but still was blocked form moving. Now facing face to face with Yibo, Zhan spoke " Instead of all this ' making you my slave ' thing, I can help you with your love life " Zhan suggested.

Yibo thought about it but he laughed " You ? And love life, please you are a geek who hardly steps out of the lab and moreover I don't think you have ever had any girlfriends " Yibo laughed once again, Zhan shrugged pulling his specs away " Then tell me, if I don't step of the lab, how come all those girls still managed to like me ? " Yibo cocked his eyebrows up  " And moreover who said anything about me not knowing anything about love ? " Yibo pouted as he was deep n his thoughts " Listen I have no time to waste, I have work to do if this deal sounds good.... " Zhan started while Yibo immediately took his hands away finally realizing Zhan and stretched his hand " Deal ! " he said waiting for Zhan to shake his hand. With a poker face Zhan shook Yibo's hand. Yibo smiled " Oh by the way, I'm Wang Yibo from the Department of Computer Science " 

Zhan still maintaining his poker face nodded his head " Now, can you leave? I have my work to do " he said getting back to his samples, Yibo rolled his eyes " By the way, what and how are you exactly help me out ? " he asked curiously, Zhan still working didn't look up and answered " Meet me at the cafeteria tomorrow " Yibo nodded and skipped out of the lab in joyous manner. After Yibo had completely gone out of sight, Zhan looked up as his eyes fell upon where Yibo had gone he laughed to himself " This idiot hasn't changed yet " he laughed shaking his head. His poker face had multiple expression and all of them have Yibo written on it. Shaking his thoughts off he continued his work.


The next day ...

Yibo had been waiting for the past thirty minutes and he still hadn't showed up, Yibo was growing anxious " Did that jerk just fool me ? " he cursed Zhan looking at his phone checking the time. At the same time entered Zhan with his usual poker face and sat opposite to Yibo " Which jerk ?  " he asked startling Yibo as he didn't notice Zhan coming in. He sighed to clam himself down and then spoke " You, you are the biggest jerk in my life " he said looking straight on his face giving him a bitter smile " Whatever " Zhan shrugged. Yibo was curious on what Zhan would be doing, so he decided to make clear about the situation in hand " Look if you don't do say you said then... " Zhan took the glass of water sipping it he looked at Yibo " Then you can make me your slave "  

Yibo smiled " Look like we understand each other, so you better do something cause being my slave isn't such a good thing " Zhan shrugged " Let's do this " Yibo smiled nodding his head.


To Be Continued ...

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