Chapter 4

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Waiting outside Zhan's house, Yibo hesitatingly knocked on the door. After a couple of minutes later, Zhan opened the door, with his same old cold expression " Come in" he said walking inside once again. Yibo who stood outside rolled his eyes " Jerk! Doesn't even know how to welcome someone" he said, removing his shoes and placing them on the stand. Yibo looked around the huge house, he was in awe how well Zhan was, no doubt he came from a wealthy family and yet he looked very simple. " Am I praising him now ?" Yibo questioned himself.

Zhan heard Yibo mumble something. " What is it ?" Zhan questioned to which Yibo was surprised Zhan had heard him, he laughed awkwardly ruffling his hair " Nothing, so.... What are we going to do today ?" Zhan sat on his couch, while Yibo proceeded to sit in front of him. Zhan shrugged drinking his hot cocoa, Yibo laughed looking at the cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream at the top of it, Zhan blushed slightly as he forgot for a second that he had a company and it was not really a grown up drink that he was drinking at the moment, either way he decided to tackle it " What are you laughing at?" he rolled his eyes, Yibo pointed to the cup in his hand.

" That's quite childish, don't you think?" Zhan shrugged " Scientifically cocoa makes us relax" he said it in a cool demeanor, Yibo nodded his head pouting a bit " So what are we doing today?" Yibo questioned curiously. Zhan kept his cup down on the table in front of him, he thought of what reason would he be saying to Yibo this time to hang out with him. He actually had been dragging Yibo, as he himself didn't know what he would be doing. He himself was getting dating and love tips from google.

" First of all, tell me about your dating and love experience, we will figure out how to proceed from there" Zhan suggested as he knew this would buy him some time to think about what tips he might give to Yibo for the day. Yibo awkwardly laughed ruffling his hair " I have none" as though Zhan had seen a helpless bunny in front of him, Yibo's cute expression made Zhan's heart beat faster like a racehorse 'What the hell' he thought to himself. He shook his thoughts off once Yibo started speaking " I actually had crush on this one girl back when I was fifteen years old I liked this one girl, but she said she didn't like me cause she liked you and years later when I once again started liking one of my junior, she said she liked you" he sighed " To be honest, I haven't had a proper love story yet, so if I manage to fall in love this time, it would actually be my first love"

For some reason Zhan felt guilty for Yibo, as every chance he had to fall for someone, Zhan felt as though he had snatched it. But "It's all good ~" Zhan blurted out, Yibo looked at him confused " What's good?" he questioned not sure why Zhan had said it. Zhan's eyes froze in shock, his brain was working to come up with something. " umm... It's good that you can start fresh" Zhan said, heaving a sigh of relief, Yibo nodded in agreement. Yibo looked at Zhan and smiled " Okay then tell me about your love life" Zhan shook his head taking a sip of his cocoa " I have never been in a relationship" he said firmly. Yibo laughed once again " Then how will you help..." he said but stopped speaking as Zhan continued.

" But I was in love with someone back when I was in school, I made sure I took care of them, I secretly helped them and took every chance to make sure they had at least me in their life, even though I never got to say to them how I felt, I knew deep down inside me, they would reject me because I was not what they expected me to be and moreover I was their senior who they hated" Yibo listened to Zhan as though he was telling a fairytale, Yibo smiled as Zhan looked at him " If you say that you took care of that person, then how come that person never knew about you?" he asked curiously.

Zhan looked at Yibo as he saw two eyes sparkling at him and waiting for him to answer him. Zhan smiled as he was lost in Yibo's eyes " Because that person is dumb and an idiot" he said looking away from Yibo. But Yibo nodded his head as he was satisfied with the answer " And don't worry I'll help you out with your love life" Zhan promised as he got up to get another cup of cocoa for Yibo this time. Yibo nodded his head happily as Zhan had confirmed to help him out once again. As Yibo continued to look around Zhan's house, he liked how beautiful and aesthetic it looked, but it was somehow fitting his porch and clean look.

Meanwhile Zhan on the other hand saw Yibo looking like a kid in a fair, he shook his head happily as he made him the cocoa " This idiot still doesn't know right, how many clues would be giving out ?" Zhan questioned himself as he brought Yibo his cup of cocoa. Yibo then remembered something he had been meaning to ask " What about the first kiss?" Zhan almost choked on his cup of cocoa " What about it?" he asked, coughing. Yibo pouted as he shrugged " I mean, if I were ever to kiss someone, how should I proceed?" he asked curiously. Zhan once again made a cold expression " I guess when the mood is right you will kiss" Yibo nodded as he mentally took note of the point, Zhan continued " Moreover get a girlfriend first, then you can think about the rest" he said as Yibo took a sip of his cocoa. The whipped cream at the top had smooched his nose making Zhan smile, Yibo was confused as to what made Zhan smile " What?" he asked.

Zhan took a tissue from the box on the table and leaned across the table to wipe Yibo's nose. " The whipped cream is over your nose" he smiled once again " You eat like a child" he said, continuing to wipe. Yibo laughed awkwardly as it wasn't the first time since someone said he behaved like a kid. But as Zhan leaned over, Yibo got a whiff of Zhan's perfume. He sully liked it when people smelt good, it shows how self conscious and confident they are of how they should present to others, as per Yibo's opinion. " You smell good~" Yibo complimented.

But the sudden compliment made Zhan slip as he was leaning across the table, he lost his balance and fell over Yibo. Even though Yibo held Zhan's shoulder, it was too late already as their lips touched. It was as though both the men realized it too late that their lips touched. Zhan who had closed his eyes out of fear made only Yibo look at him. As though the world had stopped spinning around them.. The warmth of just the pec of their lips made the two suddenly come into eye contact. Now both of them looked at each other eyes wide open, they saw their eyes reflecting each other, but their body refused to be moved and stayed still frozen in their places. 


To Be Continued ...

( A/N: Hey guys I decided to concentrate on one book at a time, so I'll finish this book at first, so look out for regular update. As soon as I'm quite free, maybe by next month, I'll once again start to update all the books altogether. But on the side note, hope you're liking the book so far, I'm always open for critics, do tell me if I need to improve <3 )

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